Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Management: Setting Goals Essay
1. In your university, professors likely have objectives regarding teaching, research, and service to the university. From your perspective, what are the relative priorities of these three objectives? If you could, how would you change these priorities and why? I think that the top priority of the professors is research. Professors had to do research to generate leading-edge knowledge. Moreover, they can find the right and fun ways of teaching by doing research. For example, my marketing teacher makes learning an extremely fun activity by implementing outside sources such as videos and pictures into classroom lectures. He does not get those ideas straight from the textbooks instead he does researches to find those outside sources. On the other hand, professors that don’t do research will teach straight from the text and makes lectures boring and dull. Therefore, their second top priority would be teaching. Teaching always have to follow immediately after Research. Because they need research in order to provide quality teaching. Then the last priority would be service to universities. I think teaching is already considered as providing service to the university, therefore other extra service to the university by professors would be of choice, such as providing tutoring during office hours. I don’t think it’s a requirement of the professors but it will sure be a plus. 4. Thank about the last goal you set for yourself. How SMART was it? The last goal I set for myself was to lose ten pounds in two months, which I don’t think was a smart goal. Because I wasn’t specific enough in setting the goal, losing 10 pounds is too vague. I should’ve state the goal in specific terms such as eating healthy or exercise more in order to lose that weight. Moreover, the goal itself was too unrealistic. I was too naà ¯ve to think that I could lose 10 pounds in two months without rebounding. I should’ve assumed a more realistic time frame which might be five months instead of two. Also, I did not commit to achieving my goal. Losing weight involves eating right and exercise, but after the second week, I gave up on exercising and started eating junk food. Overall, my goal isn’t quite a smart one. Closing case essay: What adjustments would you make at this point? Would you cancel the program or run it at a loss? I would access another $15,000 from the general contingency budget. Since Pam originally considered that it would take about 18 participants for the program to break even financially, since there’s only 10 now, she needs eight more in order to break even. Since there’s only four weeks left before the start of the program, there will be a very small chance for the number of participants to reach 18. Since most of them had already inquired about the program and showed no interest during the first few weeks. Therefore the only way to keep the program going is to run it at a loss. I would run it at a loss because human capital is a firm’s most important internal resource. A group of senior executives trained by excellent leadership programs would definitely enhance a firm’s success. Therefore I evaluate the gain over the loss. 3. What do you think went wrong? What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of the planning process? LDC did a great job in setting objectives and developing action plans. The companies set the objective that training senior executives would more likely encourage mid-level managers to participate because they would recommend and approve training requests for mid-level managers. Moreover, they measure the objective in three ways. First, the number of participants taking the first program would be monitored, and calculated that it would take 18 participants for the program to break even financially. Second, she would survey all participants regarding their satisfaction with the program. Finally, LDC would track the number of mid-level managers from the companies of those attending the senior executive program to determine if there was an increased participation level overtime. These are great measurements of the objective determined by Pam. However, she did not quite do a great job in analyzing the firm’s external environment. Originally she made the measurement that 18 participant would be needed in order to break even financially, she did not generate actions to be taken if there were only 10 participants, therefore she failed at developing constingency plans.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Education Is Not Luxury
In †Education Is Not Luxury†, Stephen Joel Trachtenberg discussed about that people should take school seriously and in his opinion, †Topics like these may be putting a squeeze on the time spent on literacy and numeracy. †Years ago, most American worked in farming or in finishing agricultural crops. However, †Agrarian calendar continues to dominate one facet of American life–education. â€Å", even we are no longer agrarian.Schooling was a luxury and it is a long process of educating the young but â€Å"America will never take schools seriously as long as they operate on the ancient agrarian calendar†or â€Å"they are open from only nine to three o'clock or some equivalent. †So people thought that â€Å"this schooling business is a part-time occupation. †So the schools have to do the right thing to make them important to people by spending time on literacy and numeracy. So the schools should be able to teach both acade mic subjects and other things.This would at least show that schools are serious. It could also help teachers to find a job and getting paid. Students would learn what they should learn. †Universities are driven by their double missions of learning and service and the compelling. However young students do not take the class seriously and they do not desired to learn, even have the opportunities to learn. In †Expanding Offerings†, †many students come to school without any training in foreign languages, or that only couple of languages.And †many school districts must deal with immigrant children. †School calendar can help teachers to keep their teaching on track and teaching more. But there are some objections which against to achieve more cause they do not have money, most of learning do not take place at school and extending the school days and making the day longer. Response I strongly agree with Stephen's opinion cause these suggestions whic h he discussed about can really help students to understand why they have to study, what they have to study about and how to study more efficiently.Schools should make people to realize that they are important by spending time on literacy and numeracy. Schools also have to be responsible to the students like making sure they do not spend †additional time to teach what is already being taught. †They are also responding to what is available. †An atmosphere of learning without the first-rate instruction or the various tangibles and intangibles that make learning possible is nothing but a disappointment.†What's more, lengthening the school years can really help to convince †the rest of the world that schools are, at least, serious. †Secondly, â€Å"teachers working conventional hours and a typical work year, it would be possible to begin to pay teacher. †Finally, †it would accommodate all the things that teachers need to teach and young people need to learn. †In my opinion, these are good way to go through and making education more important and common.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Delta Force- Organizational behavior Movie Review
Delta Force- Organizational behavior - Movie Review Example Overall, however, Delta Force does not operate as a team; individual members or groups are often doing different, unrelated things from each other and not all pulling in the same direction the way a team would. When on missions, however, small components of Delta Force operate as a team ranging in size from two people to more than a dozen. In these circumstances, they function as a team, planning missions together, relying on each other to accomplished individual goals to support the overall mission and so on. Delta Force’s composition is the cornerstone for most of what the group accomplishes. It is formed of an elite cadre of experience, intelligent people recruited from all across the armed services (Arsdale). This composition leads to its other qualities: everyone selected for Delta Force has leadership qualities and can fill leadership roles, facilitating a bottom-up approach to leadership. Furthermore, everyone’s knowledge of the composition of Delta Force helps c reate trust; anyone going on a mission with another member of Delta Force knows they are elite simply because of their belonging to the group, making it easier to trust them in extreme situations. Furthermore, the groups small size allows personal relationships to flourish, increasing trust. Works Cited Arsdale, L. V. Delta Force [video file].
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Education topic in U.S. Supreme Court Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Education topic in U.S. Supreme Court - Essay Example It was widely covered and debated because of its ridiculous name. In 2002, a student in Alaska held up the sign in question. It was quickly torn down by the school principal and the student was then punished by several days of suspension. The issue was a 1st amendment issue. Could an educator suppress students free speech? This was one of the first decisions of the Roberts Court and was closely watched as such. The judicial history of the case is as follows: The Alaskan rejected the case, but the Ninth Circuit found that the student’s first amendment rights had been violated. The phrase Bong Hits 4 Jesus was interpreted as a political expression. The Ninth Circuit distinguished political speech from a simply offensive remark, writing: â€Å"Also, it is not so easy to distinguish speech about marijuana from political speech in the context of a state where referenda regarding marijuana legalization repeatedly occur and a controversial state court decision on the topic had recently issued. The phrase ‘Bong Hits 4 Jesus’ may be funny, stupid, or insulting, depending on ones point of view, but it is not ‘plainly offensive’ in the way sexual innuendo is.†Frederick v. Morse, 439 F.3d 1114, 1119 (9th Cir. Alaska 2006). The case was then appealed to the Supreme Court. Chief Justice Roberts wrote the majority opinion which found in favor of the school and against the student. The Court gave a very narrow ruling which declared that schools could reasonable restrict students freedom of speech if that speech was being used to encourage or endorse illegal drug use. Roberts wrote that the principal reasonable assumed the banner encouraged drug use and was therefore justified in removing it. While some interveners argued that the banner was a kind of political expression, Roberts wrote that the student’s lawyers didn’t make this argument. It could also have been argued that the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Land Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Land Management - Case Study Example There was really nothing to judge. It was all about whether or not the mine met certain criteria according to previous patterns of practice. The suit will go back to the BLM adjudicative branch. If the adjudicative branch is unable to rectify the situation, the case could be taken to a higher court. Nevertheless, Evaporation, Inc. must exhaust all of its administrative remedies before proceeding. That is usually the case with any administrative conflict. The party in question is required to exhaust all of its administrative remedies before seeking legal action. It is usually just a rubber stamp. Here, we explored two pressing questions about the circumstances as presented in the brief. This case of Evaporation, Inc. versus the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) reveals some of the intricacies of land management administrative practice. The importance of this case in the field of land development cannot be overlooked.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Real Estate Investment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Real Estate Investment - Essay Example daries include the price of comparable properties in the area, the age of the building, the prominence of the space, the types of tenants located in the vicinity, specific characteristics of the property, economic and physical factors. These are some of the factors that the valuer has to consider in making a decision on the market rent. The use to which the property is to be leased determines the physical factors that are desirable. However, there are some desirable physical factors that will greatly impact the decision of a fair market rent. These include the location of the property, its visibility and its topology. The valuer has to weigh all these factors in deciding on the market rent. The lessee will also take physical factors into consideration in making a decision on whether to accept the property. Lessees are usually attracted to commercial properties that are highly visible from various locations. They want their potential customers to be able to see them. If the area is a busy thoroughfare then the property should be placed in such a way that it can be easily seen. Properties that are located along major commercial highways are great for retail outlets. However, the area of the shop frontage is an important determinant of market rent. A shop frontage with adequate customer parking and one that facilitates the effective and efficient delivery of goods will command a higher market rent than one that does not have these facilities. The topology of the land is also important as tenants and customers want to access the property with ease. The topology that is suitable for a residential property is not suitable for a retail property and so a level area is preferred. The physical condition of the property is also important as well. No tenant wants to operate in a facility that is not being properly maintained. In the general vicinity of the property, the other buildings need to have a good frontal appearance. A good frontal appearance suggests that the area
Affordable Healthcare Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Affordable Healthcare Act - Essay Example Before elucidating the likely impact, it is of importance to define the words quality, access, and cost in relation to healthcare. A number of aspects are considered when defining quality of healthcare. Quality means that optimum outcomes are achieved, proper identification of illnesses is done, sufficient treatment and rehabilitation achieved, cases documented properly, and laid down standards and values are respected (Miles, 2012). Access to healthcare on the other hand denotes the ease of use and convenience to healthcare facilities or institutions in regard to their propinquity. Access to some extent also is viewed in consideration to the number of healthcare providers or physicians available in a specific area. Areas with fewer health professionals are considered to have less access to care while those with more physicians or health professionals are considered more accessible in terms of care (Miles, 2012). Subsequently, cost of care is viewed in a number of ways. In political realms, cost of healthcare is defined in terms of national as well as State expenditures in health matters. Health care providers define cost in terms of expenditure incurred through offering care services to individuals. In relation to commerce, cost of healthcare is viewed in terms of rates of insurance and premiums (Miles, 2012). Healthcare quality, access, and cost is affected by political issues in a country and the kind of action plans implemented to reform the health sector. In the U.S. in particular, the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise known as the Obamacare has impacted the health sector immensely. In fact, there was much opposition to the implementation of this act though the Supreme court eventually ruled in the year 2012 that all features of the act were legal. There was a feeling among many individuals that the fact that the act requires all Americans to enroll for healthcare plans lest
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Quantitative and Qualitative Research - Essay Example The two journals selected include: Task Force Report on Adult Education Survey and A Statewide Survey of Special Education Administrators and School Psychologists Regarding Functional Behavioral Assessment. The surveys were carried out by the European Commission and the University of Nebraska respectively. The main aim of the adult education survey is to enhance adult education all over the world due to the competitive job market (Glaude, 2005). The European Commission found out that need to provide information to adults who want to participate in education is essential. The European Commission thought that, in a knowledgeable society, individuals need to update and complement their skills, competencies and knowledge throughout their lives. This is so as to maximize their individual development, as well as to uphold, and improve their position in the labor field. The main aim of the special education survey, on the other hand, was to study the views of special education administrator s, as well as school psychologists, concerning the extent to which educators are aware of Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA). The survey was also to find out if the educators in this program had adequate training (Nelson, 1999). Both the surveys were well organized. The European Commission, in its adult education survey, employed professional personnel to run through various data regarding the work market to see where adults who are not educated stand (Glaude, 2005). The University of Nebraska team, on the other hand, engaged other universities to come up with its findings. These universities where: Arizona State University and University of Phoenix (Nelson, 1999). They also used other personnel from outside the university who were familiar with the Functional Behavioral Assessment program to come up with their findings. The two surveys used diverse sources to collect data. While the adult education survey used job market experts to collect its data, the special education used t eachers, doctors as well as students themselves to collect data. The adult education survey was meant to foster adults into undertaking education so as to fit into the competitive job market today. The special education survey, on the other hand, was to find ways in which students with disabilities could be incorporated into normal learning. They used methods such as interviews and Computer Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) to collect data. The final sampling unit according to the two surveys concentrated on carefully selected individuals (Glaude, 2005). The surveys were based on a probability sample. Their recommendations were to use a stratified sample of individuals, at least along with age and gender, as well as disability. In conclusion, according to the adult survey, it was identified that learning is one of the top determining factors in a person’s life. Hence, adult education is a central tool of achieving lifelong goals. The survey, therefore, concluded that each a dult who does not have adequate education should undertake the course (Glaude, 2005). The special education survey, on the other hand, concluded that each student with a disability should receive exceptional care at his or her studies. They need to have enhanced treatment, and attention so that they could study just like other students (Nelson, 1999). Question 2 Correlational research is research that studies the covariation of two or more variables (Research Methods,
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Citibank Internet Banking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Citibank Internet Banking - Assignment Example banks could honestly claim that Internet banking is, at last, contributing to the bottom line (Johnson, 2006). In this age when a few seconds delay is much too long, why did it take rich banks this long to do it right Which brings us to our key question: are banks finally doing the "right" things "right" Our experiment called for an evaluation of how basic marketing principles and the Internet were combined to produce a successful Internet Banking customer experience. Our findings will show if Citibank U.K. have done their homework, matching strategic vision with real customer needs. In the case of internet banking, this involves the attainment of near-frictionless commerce, allowing customers to connect to the bank and do business anytime and from anywhere, with speed and convenience, and hopefully with each transaction generating value for the customer and a tidy profit for the bank. White and Nteli (2004) in their article's title asked an embarrassing question: some ten years after the hype began, "why are there not enough customers" The estimated millions of customers and the billions in profits were not there. Since then, studies by Datamonitor (2004) and Deutsche Bank (2006) showed that of the U.K.'s 60 million population, an estimated 15 million or 25% regularly do banking transactions on the Internet. Offhand quite an impressive figure, but considering that 80% of households in the U.K. had multiple bank accounts (Cruikshank, 2000), and 40-50% of account holders in Sweden and Finland do internet banking (Deutsche Bank, 2006) - of course, there are only 14 million Swedes and Finns on earth - market penetration remains an issue that point to internet banking's huge, promising, and untapped potential. This essay tries to unravel the mystery with a critical analysis of the internet banking capability of Citibank U.K. But before doing so, we briefly look at the findings of White and Nteli and other academics, and explain our basic method of primary research. A Problem of Banking or Marketing White and Nteli (2004) argued that internet banking is not bringing in the expected numbers because of marketing issues related to five service quality attributes: credibility, security, product variety/diversity, responsiveness, and ease of use. They identified two customer clusters with different priorities: traditional customers with security and credibility concerns, and non-traditional customers focused on ease of use and responsiveness. Both customer clusters gave banks low scores on product variety/diversity, making the authors conclude that this is a potential source of competitive advantage. As White and Nteli (2004) and Kotler and Armstrong (2005) emphasised, systematic application of marketing principles continue to be an important weapon in the banking industry's arsenal, especially in this age of intense global competition. Marketing enables the bank to create value that would attract customers, engaging and retaining them into a long-lasting and profitable relationship. Especially in this age when shopping for value could be done 24/7 at the click of a mouse, banks are pressured to minimise churn whilst maximising customer profitability. Several studies (Stevens, 2006; Wisskirchen, Vater, Wright, De Backer, and Detrick, 2006) show that churn or customer defection rates in key U.K. consumer industries increased from 16.9 percent in 2003 to 19.1 percent in 2005 and
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Understanding Cultural Differences in Successful Global Businesses Essay
Understanding Cultural Differences in Successful Global Businesses - Essay Example Understanding Cultural Differences in Successful Global Businesses This paper shall discuss the thesis that understanding cultural differences is fundamental to success in global business. This paper shall first discuss the common differences apparent in various corporations and businesses. Secondly, it shall then review how corporations are dealing with these differences. Thirdly, a deeper understanding of cultural differences and how they impact on successful global businesses will be presented. Lastly, this essay will provide a summary and conclusion of the discussion. This article is being carried out in order to establish a clear and deeper understanding of globalization as well as the impact of cultural differences in relation to this phenomenon. Body In the current business context, cultural differences have a significant impact on the way businesses are carried out. Culture refers to shared values which impact on perceptions, attitudes, as well as responses. These qualities are very much apparent in the workplace and marketplace. Language is one of the main elements of culture and although English is considered the universal language, not all states speak it. Despite the universality of English however, corporations have sought to expand their language functionality, noting the marked increase in the number of languages being used in the business world, including Chinese, Spanish, and Japanese. For most international companies, most of them have understood that in order to be globally competent, they need to establish at least two versions of their websites. Japanese companies, for example, have adopted two versions of their websites – one in their native language and another one in English (Scholtens and Dam, 2007). Through these adjustments, these companies have managed to be accessible to their country and to the international community. Hofstede (1980) discusses how other elements of culture also impact on the effective globalisation of businesses. These elements include: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, masculinity, and long-term orientation. Power distance refers to the extent by which the less powerful m embers of society accept power (Hofstede, 1980). Cultures of Japan, Asian, and other Latin countries have high power distance relationships, however, this is low for the Nordic, Anglo, and German cultures (Robbins and Stylianou, 2008). Uncertainty avoidance is seen based on how people adjust to uncertainties, with some cultures having weak uncertainty avoidance and others having strong uncertainty avoidance. The Anglo and Nordic areas are known to have weak uncertainty avoidance, and the Latin, German, Asian, and Japan cultures have strong uncertainty avoidance (Robbins and Stylianou, 2008). As for individualism and collectivism, those which are individualistic are usually those who stick to rights of privacy and individual freedom; for those with collectivist cultures, their press is often controlled by the state and private lives are within public realms of interest (Robbins and Stylianou, 2008). Anglo, Nordic, Latin, and German cultures portray individualist qualities, while Asia n cultures have collectivist cultures. In relation to gender divisions, the masculine-dominated cultures are those which have aggressive and assertive males and have strong material success goals; on the other hand, feminine cultures tend to focus on preservation, conservation, and sympathy for the weak (Robbins and Styl
Monday, July 22, 2019
Elementary School and Middle School Essay Example for Free
Elementary School and Middle School Essay Transitioning from elementary school to middle school is something we all have or had to do! Most kids cringe at the thought of making this huge step in life. For many students this transition can be a time of mixed emotions. Having been through this experience, I will compare and contrast the two, hoping that this will give you a clear picture of elementary and middle school. Elementary and middle school have distinguishable characteristics. In elementary schools, you basically have your homeroom teacher and one other teacher. The movement of students is very limited and you are mostly escorted by a teacher. Teachers are more understanding and are not as demanding because of the student’s age. Fun days are set aside as an award for students that have done what is expected of them. Most of the children are placed in classroom with the same students each year. Elementary school is very important in our young student’s lives; this is where it all starts. However, middle school students are expected to execute their daily tasks without assistance. Teachers are there to direct the students in right direction; everything else is left up to the student. Middle school students have several different classes, in each class it is usually a different teacher. Students have lockers to store their books and other supplies. In middle school students are required to be more independent and serious about school. Elementary school set the pace for all other levels of schooling. Students enter elementary school learning all the basic aspects of school system and the learning process. At this stage in life most students are eager to learn and get excited to learn new things. Elementary is the main point of delivery, it introduces social skills, behavioral adjustments, and basic academic learning. Middle school prepares students for higher education. Ultimately, middle school bridges the gap between elementary and high school. It is definitely a different experience than elementary, but it prepares students for their future and encourages them to be more independent. Elementary schools and middle schools also have common qualities. They are both open Monday through Friday on the same days. Each day students eat lunch at a designated time. All students are expected to sit in desks in an appropriate manner. Teachers require students to be respectful and display good behavior at all times. Homework is given on a daily basis and class discussions are routine also. School is essentially school with minor differences. Each school level has its own pro’s and con’s, they are also very similar. They each have their own benefiting factors and they are used to their advantage. School systems up this way because it is initially what works in our culture. Elementary and middle schools are stepping stones that that help us get from one place to another in our academic life. Each level is an important standpoint for academic excellence and they should be taken seriously so that you can be an effective student/learner.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Market and business analysis of camille bloch
Market and business analysis of camille bloch Camille Bloch is one of the most visionary and creative chocolate manufacturers in Switzerland. It only can be found in European countries such as Canada, Denmark, France, Austria and Italy, etc. There is no market share in Asian countries. Therefore, Camille Bloch needs to extend new market for their product, such as Singapore. Through analyzing external environment, company finds that Singapore is a potential market. The government welcomes any legal business to invest in Singapore. Besides, Singapore is a free port for imported confectionery and snacks. According to World Bank 2010 report, Singapore economy is the easiest to do business and has been awarded the most competitive country in Asia. Facing many competitors, this company can use its competitive advantage to improve its growth potential. Because Singapore is a relatively niche market which have only one city, Camille Bloch will make market segmentation according to the demographic of Singapore and decide to choose 13-29 years old customers as target market. They are reported as one of the most dynamic customers in the market. And teenagers with discretionary spending power, they can choose any kind of product they want without influences from the parents. Camille Bloch will choose direct exporting to let Singaporean distributors put new products in this market. Company will choose to export directly through importer located in Singapore. It gives an opportunity for company to learn Singapore markets before investing and reduces the potential risks of operating overseas, extending the sales potential of existing products and gain information about foreign competition. At the same time, MOUSSES is current product in Camille Bloch. If it want to develop new market, company need to use market development strategy as market expansion strategy. During the process of development, Camille Bloch needs to use marketing mix strategy to make MOUSSES popularized. For product strategy, company will choose indepe ndent little piece packaging to produce and put in Singapore market while its price strategy is making combination with three kinds of pricing strategies. The lower limit of this price is marginal cost while the upper limit of this price is demand price. After that, Camille Bloch will establish good cooperation with Fairprice, Cold Storage Group, Sheng Siong, Carrefour and Giant supermarkets through choosing good distributors possessed high reputation and abundant experience. Once entering into Singapore market, company will continually propagandize this product to enlarge its popularity and obtain market shares through sales promotion, advertising and retail terminal inputs POP. Through these strategies to introduce this brand, we believe that company will have good foreground in Singapore market. 2. Introduction Camille Bloch is one of the most visionary and creative chocolate manufacturers in Switzerland. Camille Bloch is an independent family business. With the rapidly development of epoch, they have a greatest challenge is the balance between the established and the modern. They must connect their recipes and advanced technologies. Besides, they try their new product ideas. However, Camille Bloch products cannot be found all over the world. It only can be found in some European countries such as Canada, Denmark, France, Austria and Italy, etc. There is no market share in some Asian country. Therefore, Camille Bloch should export their product to some Asian countries such as Singapore. 3. External Environmental Analysis Environment is most important part for a company that is in any industry. For a company, they should put a lot concentration on this part. First of all, a company should analyze the macro-environment and it can be analyzed from many areas. There are some main elements can be impacted corporation such as political, economical, social, technological, environment and legal, etc. Singapore is one of the best business environment countries in the world. There are many influences can impact chocolate product import such as government political, importer tax or huge demand, etc. However, some of them are positive and the others may negative. 3.1. Political and Legal Environment Government affects almost every aspect of business life in every single country. Singapore is an enterprise friendly country. The government welcomes any legal business to invest in Singapore. Besides, Singapore is a free port for imported confectionery and snacks. Although, there are 7% tax of goods and service will be charged by the importer before imported products but no import duties are levied on imported confectionery and snacks. This politic can help chocolate company which export to Singapore to reduce cost. However, Chocolate manufacturer who wants to sale the products in Singapore should has high product quality standard because their product should be subject to inspection. 3.2. Economy environment The Singapore economy is active free-market economy and the per-capita income of Singapore also is the highest in ASEAN. According to report, Singapores economic growth was rapidly slowing down than before since third quarter 2008 because of the international financial crisis. However, Singapores economic still very strong. According to World Bank 2010 report, Singapore economy is the easiest to do business. Also, Singapore has been awarded the most competitive country in Asia. 3.3. Social Cultural Singapore is multi-culture country. It also is an eastern country which still has traditional family values, but the young generation has adapted to western culture and values. Currently, the population of Singapore is more than 4 million. Singapore ethnic mix is Chinese (75.2%), Malays (13.6%), and Indians (8.8%). Singaporean are very hard working, therefore, they get a lot of work stresses. So, they need chocolate or candy to reduce pressure. 3.4. Technological Factors With the rapidly development of technology, it can impact many kind of things such as distribution strategies, media strategies, etc. When a brand goes to a foreign country as a new brand, the company must use some method to introduce their product. Media is perfect tool can help them to achieve their goals. In Singapore, there are many media tools can be available such as MRT, bus, taxi, TV or magazines, etc. Also, distribution channels are very important tool for a company. There are many distribution channels can be used. For example, Convenience store is important channel for confectionery. Because, these places always are frequented by younger Singaporeans but it is difficult to increase brand awareness. Therefore, the company can choose some major retailers to sale their products such as Fairprice, ShengSiong and Carrefour, etc or some specialty confectionery shops such as The Cocoa Trees or Umeya chains of outlets 4. Competitor Analysis Competitor analysis is important to a company. It can affect marketing strategies when the company wants to launch the product in the market. In this way the company can find areas of potential competitive advantage and disadvantage. We can use many methods to analyze competitors, first identifying competitors and assessing competitors and then selecting which competitors can become attacker and which competitor can be avoided. 4.1. Main competitor For Camille Bloch chocolate company, there are many direct and indirect competitors in Singapore. More than 30 countries supply confectionery to Singapore such as USA, UK, Netherlands, and Switzerland, etc. Also, there are many different brands can be found in the market such as Nestle, Ferrero, Lindt, Hershey and Haagen-Dazs, etc. But some brands are direct competitors and some of them are indirect. For example, Haagen-Dazs is a famous confectionery company. Their major product is ice-cream. Although, Haagen-Dazs is indirect competitor for Camille Bloch, however, they still can get some market share in confectionery market of Singapore. Also, it can affect the marketing strategy when Camille Bloch products enter market. Direct competitor is most important part which should put more concentration. In Singapore confectionery market, Nestle, Ferrero, Cadbury, KitKat, Cacao, etc are key competitors. These competitors have different products and have different target customer. These competitors products are quite traditional. 4.2. Competitive advantage Singapore chocolate market needs some new product can bring some activities. Therefore, Camille Bloch has a new product is called Mousse mixture can give a fresh filling to Singapore market. The Mousse mixture from Camille Bloch has always been smooth and light. And there are three different flavours can be chose such as Lait Extra for light-coloured, milky extravagance; Lait for traditional connoisseurs and Noir for gourmets who prefer the bittersweet taste of plain chocolate. 4.3. Growth potential Singapore confectionery market is a developing market. There are many opportunities can make company successful. Camille Bloch can use Mousse mixture to enter to market and increase their brand awareness. When this product can get some market share, Camille Bloch can launch some other products into Singapore market. According to Singaporeans habit, Camille Bloch also can do other product except chocolate such as coffee or ice-cream. It is because many Singaporean love these two things. Some Singaporean is coffee drinker, they may drink more than eight cup of coffee per day. So, these are the growth potential for Camille Bloch in Singapore market. 5. Market segmentation and target marketing There is no single way to segment a market. Market segmentation is the process of dividing a market into smaller groups of buyers with distinct needs, characteristics or behaviors who might require separate products. Market segmentation reveals the firms market segment opportunities. After evaluating different market segments, companies must decide on target market to conduct business strategies. A target market consists of a set of buyers who share common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve. Due to the demographic of Singapore, target market of our product is teenager and young adult age from 13 to 29 year old. Chocolate has been a part of the everyday consumers lives and become a popular product of Singaporean adults and children. They are reported as one of the most dynamic customers in the market. Teenagers with discretionary spending power, they can choose any kind of product they want without influences from the parents because they already have their own allowance. For young adults, they have jobs and income so they can decide for their consumer behavior. They buy chocolate for themselves or they use chocolate as gift item at other celebration such as birthdays, weddings. This has created a situation in the market where there is seasonal demand, with a high proportion of sales being made between November and April. This period includes most of Singapores major festivals or celebrations like Deepavali, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Calendar New Year, Chinese New Year, and Valentines Day. In this period there is quite a high level of spending. 6. Market entry and expansion strategies 6.1. Market entry strategies There are many ways for company to introduce products into foreign markets such as Exporting, Licensing, Franchising, Joint Ventures, Strategic Alliances, Acquisition or Greenfield Operation. Selection method depends on costs, risk and the degree of control which can be exercised over them. The simplest form of entry strategy is exporting because it requires minimum resources while allowing high flexibility and offers substantial financial, marketing, technological and other benefit to the company. Exporting methods include indirect or direct export. Indirect exporting involves the use of independent intermediaries or agents to market the firms product overseas. These agents, known as export representatives, assume responsibility for marketing the firms product through their network of foreign distributors and their own sales force. On the other hand, direct exporting occurs when a manufactures or exporter sells directly to an importer or buyer located in a foreign market. In Singapore, people can be purchased chocolate from hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, petrol station stores, minimarts, provisions/grocery shops and kiosk-type shops or stalls located in shopping centre, entertainment complexes, tourist locations, airport shops and even at traditional street-side newspaper stalls. There are also some specialty shops, which operate in chains or as single site outlets. Because this is the first time company introduce product into Singapore, we select only mousse chocolate; it is the latest news product mixture from Camille Bloch has always been smooth and light. Company cannot sell products directly to consumers so company will choose to export directly through importer located in Singapore. It gives an opportunity for company to learn Singapore markets before investing and reduces the potential risks of operating overseas, extend the sales potential of existing products and gain information about foreign competition. Some companies spec ialize in importing Singapores Confectioneries are Hong Yi Hao Trading Pte Ltd, Kaimay Trading Pte Ltd, Sing Long Foodstuff Trading Company Pte Ltd, Diethelm Singapore Pte Ltd and etc. Most importers have their own distribution networks, collect cargoes, re-pack in warehouses and deliver to consumers through retailers such as Fairprice, Cold Storage Group, Sheng Siong, Carrefour and Giant. 6.2. Market expansion strategies Current Product New Products Current Market 1. Market Penetration Strategy 3. Product Development Strategy New Market 2. Market Development Strategy 4. Diversification Strategy Figure 6.2.1: The product/ market expansion grid Company has decided to developed new market (Singapore market) for the existing company product (mousse chocolate). It is called market development strategy. Finding new market for the new customer helps company to increase performance by increasing sales and profit. After the company approached the new market, companies must conduct the strategy to expand market so the company to be able to survive long term. The first one is to introducing more products to the market, that way you will be able to get multiple new customer bases. Company is able to launch all kind of Camille Blochs product like Ragusa chocolate, Torino chocolate, Liqueur chocolate and Napolitains chocolate. Since then company can find the best- selling product and focus marketing effort on that product as well as use this bestseller product to gain multiple profits. The second one is to add segment to expand companys market. One way to do so is to decide to target a new segment such as children age from 3 to 12 year old or family consumers. 7. International marketing mix 7.1. Product strategy Camille Bloch releases many kinds of products in Switzerland. Especially, MOSSUE have its special feature. So company will decide to choose it to expand Singapore market, enhancing chocolate categories. Camille Bloch puts MOUSSE into Singapore market in order to generate differentiation with competitors. According to the survey for Singapore retail markets, most of chocolate being sold in Singapore market are imported brand or joint venture brand, their packaging are mainly row block packaging. However, independent little piece packaging is seldom used by chocolate company. Table 7.1.1 shows packaging specifications of major competitors. Brand Row block Gift packaging Cadbury 50k,70k,100k 180k,220k Berly,s 46k,50k,70k,85k 130k,250k Ferrero 40k,60k 200k,300k,375k Toblerone 50k,100k 200k Table 7.1.1: The analysis of packaging specifications of major competitors Through analyzing two kinds of packaging, traditional row block packaging have some obvious shortcomings, such as incommodiousness, insanitation and so on. While the characterization of independent little piece packaging is that every piece of chocolate have its own packaging. Consumers can tear wrapping paper to eat out every piece. This kind of packaging is conveniently used and health for consumers. And the production volume of independent little piece packaging can conveniently be adjusted according to market needs or they can be split into bulk packaging. So Camille Bloch should launch independent little piece packaging of MOUSSES in Singapore market in order to obtain more competitive advantage. 7.2. Price strategy The level of market share in enterprises, speed of market acceptance for new products, the image of enterprises and their products in the market have close relationship with price strategy. Under the fierce competitive environment of chocolate industry, we need to make combination with three kinds of pricing strategies. The lower limit of this price is marginal cost while the upper limit of this price is demand price. Apart from it, company also needs to refer the competitive situation of Singapore market in order to make the reasonable price. Camille Bloch should adopt invasive pricing strategy. When MOUSSES products entered into Singapore market, the pricing for this product is lower than joint ventures and wholly-owned international competitors. Through this pricing strategy, company hopes Singapore customers to know that MOUSSES chocolate is cheap but good Switzerland imported chocolate. Then the position of MOUSSES chocolate will become clear through pricing and brand image like imported products, reasonable price can be clearly established. Through analyzing the retail price of main competitive brands, we obtain the proportion of price competition from main competition brands and have developed suggested retail price of MOUSSES Number Brand Retail price (the smallest unit) 1 Cadbury SGD $1.55 per piece (50k) 2 Berly,s SGD $3.15 per piece (46k) 3 Ferrero SGD $2.7 per piece (40k) 4 Toblerone SGD $2per piece (50k) 5 MOUSSES SGD $2.8 per bag (45k) Table 7.2.1: The analysis of chocolate retail price Notes: the pricing of retail prices will decrease 5%-10% than competitors, which can give customers adequate impulsion of visual, psychological and the value. But the range of price is not greater than 10% of international competitors. Its final price is lower than Berlys chocolate, about 6%. If invasive pricing appears profits loss, company can compensate this through the scale sales. Once this product get a foothold in Singapore market, its retail price will call-back. 7.3. Place strategy 7.3.1. The choice of channels Singapore is a relatively niche market which have only one city. So the choice of distribution channel doesnt consider the differentiation between cities. Camille Bloch firstly cooperates with supermarkets to directly provide this product into Singapore market. At the same time, Camille Bloch should establish good cooperation with Fairprice, Cold Storage Group, Sheng Siong, Carrefour and Giant supermarkets. Moreover, this brand finally spread all over selling point of this country in the right of national network of supermarkets. For example, hypermarkets, convenience stores, provisions/grocery shops and kiosk-type shops or stalls located in shopping centre, entertainment complexes, tourist locations and airport shops. 7.3.2. The choice of distributors For MOUSSES, employing dealers to distribute is an economic and effective way. Dealers send MOUSSES of Camille Bloch to customers, the speed of pass and service quality directly affect the sale of product and market image. So company will select local distributor possessed high reputation and abundant experience, such as Hong Yi Hao Trading Pte Ltd, Kaimay Trading Pte Ltd, Sing Long Foodstuff Trading Company Pte Ltd. 7.4. Promotion strategy The promotion mix for extending MOUSSES as follow: 7.4.1. Sales promotion Promotion persons will send free sample in large person flow and high-end commercial network. The main target customer is 13-29 years old persons. Sales persons strive for letting target consumers taste. Using novel taste and good quality attract customers to buy MOUSSES chocolate. 7.4.2. Retail terminal inputs POP This part contains some means such as posters, flags, special shelves, organizing professional tallymen to tally. They unified the standard of display in the store and make use of neat, orderly and beautiful display to cause the impulsion of customers, inspiring purchasing desire. 7.4.3. Advertising During the period of Singaporean important festival, company should input some advertisement through TV media and make outdoor advertisement putting up air-conditioned vehicle to establish the brand image, cultivating target consumer group loyalty and attracting new customers. 8. Conclusion Through the analysis of external environment and competitors, Camille Bloch will make market segmentation according to the demographic of Singapore and decide to choose 13-29 years old customers as target market. This company will choose direct exporting to let Singaporean distributors put new products in this market. Market development strategy as market expansion strategy will be used for MOUSSES. Apart from that, marketing mix strategy also will be designed to successfully put this new product into Singapore market. Company hopes that this product can be extended as soon as possible.
History of Dopamine Research
History of Dopamine Research Restoration In 1957, a Swedish scientist named Arvid Carlsson was experimenting with a new antipsycholtc drug called reserpine. Injection of the drug to rabbits temporarily paralyzed them. Carlsson speculated that the reserpine blocked a key neurotransmitter in the brain, resulting a chemical imbalance causing the symptoms. He expected a chemical called levodopa, or L-dopa, could be converted into noradrenaline in the brain to restore the chemical imbalance. It worked the rabbits became alert and moved normally. But when he examined the chemicals in their brain, he discovered that the L-dopa had been converted not into noradrenaline, but into a different compound called dopamine. Most neurologists at the time regarded dopamine as an unimportant chemical, but Carlsson was convinced that dopamine was an essential neurotransmitter for the brain to function. He suggested that dopamine deficiency was the reason for Parkinsons disease. Carlssons suggestion inspired two Austrian researchers, Herbert Ehringer, and Oleh Hornykiewicz. They examined autopsied brains and found that parkinsonian brains had virtually no dopamine. Teaming up with physician Walther Birkmayer, Hornykiewicz proved that, besides the black stuff, dopamine was also missing from the substantia nigra region. Their work formed the basis of a new dopamine-centered theory of PD. This theory suggested a possible cure for PD. Because if dopamine deficiency causes PD, then the logical solution is to replace the missing chemical. But getting the drug into the brain is not as simple as taking a pill. The brain is protected by the blood-brain barrier, which blocks certain neurotransmitters like dopamine from directly reaching the brain. Instead, the brain manufactures its own dopamine from chemicals like L-dopa, which can pass through the blood-brain barrier as Carlsson had shown with his rabbits experiment. Birkmayer and Hornkiewicz administered small quantities of L-dopa intravenously into 20 patients with advanced Parkinsons disease and found L-dopa worked. The patients could now walk, talk and stand up like normal. But many scientists were unconvinced, thinking it was a placebo effect. In 1966, a controlled double-blind trial of the drug concluded that the drug had no effect on Parkinsons symptoms. Worse, one-third of patients suffered serious side effects such as high blood pressure and nausea. Despite the skepticism, a few scientists believed L-dopa might be effective once the correct dose was determined. In 1967, Swiss chemists discovered that adding carbidopa, an enzyme block, enabled more of the L-dopa to reach the bloodstream rather than being broken down in the bloodstream. With this new regimen for carbidopa-levodopa, the US scientist George Cotzias found that a group of 18 patients made spectacular improvements in their motor function. In the late 1960s, a neuroscientist named Roger Duvoisin was experimenting with L-dopa to treat PD. He treated his first case with carbidopa-levodopa in December 1967. The effect was so dramatic he was quickly convinced. He videotaped his patients before and after each treatment. The transformation of the patients before and after the treatment was so convincing that the Food and Drug Administration quickly approved the drug for the routine treatment of PD. But clinicians soon discovered that after starting L-dopa for a month or two, the patients displayed new disabling motor side effects such as involuntary writhing movements called dyskinesias (Greek for bad movements). And the drug became less effective over time. Sometimes, the power of the drug suddenly vanished without warning. And some patients suffered side effects like confusion, agitation, paranoia, and hallucinations. Neurologists called these side effects motor complications. Because of these side effects of L-dopa, many neurologists start patients with a less powerful class of drugs called dopamine agonists. Discovered in the 1970s, dopamine agonists work by pretending to be dopamine. While the brain isnt actually receiving dopamine, it thinks it is and reacts accordingly. They are half as effective as L-dopa and have their own set of side effects, ranging from nausea to sleep attacks to compulsions. Research shows that one in ten patients are susceptible to impulse-control disorder (ICD). PD patients are very lucky to have L-dopa. There are no equivalent for other neurodegenerative illnesses such as Huntingtons, Lou Gehrigs, or Alzheimers. L-dopa turned Parkinsons from a rapid slide into immobility and death condition into a chronic disease with the gradual trajectory of decline. By the late 1960s, scientists had made enormous progress since James Parkinsons 1817 essay. They could diagnose the disease and characterize its underlying pathology. They also discovered drugs that can relieve the symptoms, albeit temporarily. But what about its causes? Is it genetic or is it caused by something in the environment? Understanding the cause might well lead to a cure. Keep Takeaways In 1957, Arvid Carlsson discovered that L-dopa converts into dopamine in the brain of rabbits. He suggested that dopamine deficiency was the reason for Parkinsons disease. Herbert Ehringer, Oleh Hornykiewicz, and Walther Birkmayer discovered that dopamine was missing from the substantia nigra of the brains of PD patients. Their work formed the basis of a new dopamine-centered theory of PD. By the late 1960s, Walther Birkmayer, Oleh Hornykiewics, George Cotzias, and Roger Duvoisin showed that levodopa could temporarily relieve parkinsonian symptoms in humans. After starting levodopa for a month or two, PD patients experience levodopa-induced side effects called motor complications.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Childhood Obesity Reduction Health Promotion Plan Essay example -- Pub
Upon reviewing the community vitality data I came to the conclusion that the health problem that a health education program would be most appropriate to address would be childhood nutritional health and fitness. I came to this conclusion after careful data analysis. Of the county’s adults (18+) 77% ate less than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day, this percentage is so high likely because of attitudes and habits these adults picked up when they were children. The second largest age demographic in the county is children aged 10 to 17 are overweight, six percent more than the state average, 88% of children age 10 to 17 are not meeting daily targets for fruit and vegetable consumption and 30% age 10 to 17 watch 3 or more hours of television per day, also six percent higher than the state average. Children who eat less than healthy foods, which are often low in iron, vitamin content, and have a higher fat content, are placed at a higher risk for poor nutritional habits, iron deficiency anemia, and chronic illnesses such as diabetes, hypertension, etc. (USDHHS, 2000). Mass media and busy lifestyles also play an important role in the poor food choices of children today, and frequent television viewing prominently shows children foods, which contain large amounts of salt, sugar, and calories and a correlation between television viewing time frames and childhood obesity has been shown. (Proctor, 2003) Another problem is that many school age children only prefer a small range of foods and dislike vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods. A child’s nutritional pattern can also serve as a strong indicator of family patterns and show just how influential parents can be when it comes down to their children’s pr... ...rtment of Health and Human Services. Healthy People 2010: Understanding and Improving Health. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Government Printing Office. Freedman DS, Kettel-Khan L, Dietz WH, et al. (2001). Relationship of childhood obesity to coronary heart disease risk factors in adulthood: the Bogalusa Heart Study. . Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, 108:712–18. Edelman, C. L., Mandle, C. L., (2006). Health promotion throughout the lifespan. Missouri: Elsevier Mosby. American Academy of Pediatrics. (2003) Policy statement: prevention of pediatric overweight and obesity. Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, 112:424–430 Braet C, Mervielde I, Vandereycken W. (1997) Psychological aspects of childhood obesity: a controlled study in a clinical and non-clinical sample. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 22:59–71.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Ramification Of Jordan :: essays research papers
Trustworthy Computing Continues to Build Momentum The third year of Microsoft’s long-term commitment saw progress in technology investments, industry leadership and customer guidance. REDMOND, Wash., Jan. 13, 2005 -- Scott Charney wants people to think of using their computer in the same way they think of using their telephone. Scott Charney, vice president, Trustworthy Computing, Microsoft Corp. Not that Charney, vice president of Trustworthy Computing at Microsoft, is trying to advocate voice over other communication choices. Rather, he points out that people will walk up to almost any telephone, pick up the receiver and take for granted that they will get a dial tone. Even though the phone system occasionally fails, people are still confident that they will get a dial tone, their call will be completed, and their conversation will be secure and private. Charney wants people to think about computers in the same way. And that is why Microsoft is full steam ahead on its Trustworthy Computing initiative, which marks three years of progress on January 15. Launched by an internal memo from Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates in 2002, Trustworthy Computing is a long-term effort to create and deliver secure, private, and reliable computing experiences for everyone. Charney says Microsoft made significant progress in Trustworthy Computing's third year, progress reflected in its technology investments, industry leadership and customer guidance. Even so, he says, Microsoft recognizes there is a long way to go. "Remember that the telephone evolved over several decades to reach today's level of trust; party lines were hardly secure or private," he says. "Computers have reached global ubiquity in only 20 years, but the industry is still maturing, and reliability, security and privacy -- the things that create trust -- are still improving. People recognize the value of computing, but many people still wonder if something bad will happen when they are using their personal computer. "Trust in computing is critical if technology is to deliver on its promise. Microsoft's leadership will hopefully help the industry generate that trust sooner rather than later." Technology Investment and Innovation Trustworthy Online Microsoft offers numerous sites with information, tips and guidance for users, both corporate and consumer, in support of its Trustworthy Computing initiative. These include: Trustworthy Computing: Complete details about this long-term initiative. Security and Privacy Customer Assistance: More detailed information on how to deal with common security and privacy problems. Security and Privacy reference materials: Microsoft Press publishes an extensive selection of books on computer security, privacy and safety issues.
Gene Therapy Saves Lives Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Argument Es
Gene Therapy Saves Lives      Tim was diagnosed with a rare and deadly disease this morning. He is only five years old with the rest of his life ahead of him. It isn't his fault that he received this disease or even his parents'. This disease comes out in anyone's body that has a defected gene. The disease has made Tim live in a sanitized bubble the last year because of the fear that he might catch any common bug and die. He has severe combined immunodeficiency, or SCID. The disease lacks a gene in charge of the body's immune system called adenosine deaminase. Tim could be helped through a process called gene therapy, but he won't because there is too much debate on the ethnicity of gene therapy; too much even to save his life.      The use of gene therapy to prevent illness and disease by changing a person's genetic makeup is a good use of science. Gene therapy is an approach in science to treat, or ultimately prevent disease by changing the expression of a person's genes. The way a gene is expressed is something like a person's hair color. Gene therapy is still in its very early stages of development. Any gene therapy that is being worked on today is still in its experimental stages. It will not be used in humans for extensive use for a while. The only humans are ones who are in clinical trials ("Gene Therapy").      Gene therapy can be done by using either somatic, which are from the body, or germ, which are from egg or sperm, cells. In somatic gene therapy the recipient's genome, genetic makeup, is changed, but the changes are not passed down to the next generation. In germ line gene therapy, the parents' egg and sperm cells are changed with the goal of passing on the changes to their offspring. Germ line gene ... ...]. "Gene Therapy." Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 21 Nov. 2002. 3 Dec. 2002 []. "Genetics in the Courtroom." Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 21 Nov. 2002. 10 Dec. 2002 []. Godoy, Maria. "Gene Therapy Offers Hope for the Blind." TechTV News. 1 May 2001. 4 Dec. 2002 [,24195,3325114,00.html]. "Human Genome Diversity Project." Morrison Institute. 6 Oct. 1994. 3 Dec. 2002 []. Kitcher, Phillip. "Manipulating Genes: How Much is Too Much?" PBS Online. Apr. 2002. 8 Dec. 2002 []. "Scenario A- Part 1." 6 Dec. 2002 [].
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Codes of Laws
Codes of laws After reading material chapter 1 of (Identifying and exploring security essentials) it says the following about the laws of where and when each law originated. The different laws include: The Code of Hammurabi, Draco’s law, Law of the Twelve Tables, Justinian Code, Magna Carta, and Statue of Westminster. The Babylonian Code of Hammurabi was developed by King Hammurabi in 1750 B. C. This Code had 282 clauses that regulated many issues that include different obligations and rights, to theft and debt. Barbaric punishments were used when the laws of this code were broken.I think many people believe this Code is more of revenge toward the offender, rather than an appropriate punishment but some people also believe that revenge is the same thing as punishment. Draco’s Laws (621 BC) were the first laws written in Greece and introduced the notion that the state is to punish a person. Death was the penalty for many offenses which is why it is names after draconian; which describes an unusually harsh law. The laws of the twelve tables (450 BC) were written by ten Roman men to govern the Romans, which formed the foundation of modern public and private law.There were originally ten laws and two statutes were added later. This organized a way so crime could be prosecuted publicly and victims could seek compensation. Roman law was that the law must be written; judges alone were not permitted to interpret alone. The Justinian Code (AD 529) was named after an Emperor of Byzantium, Justinian, whom codified a series of books called, â€Å"Corpus Juris Civilis†. He had an impact on modern concept of justice. This formed the foundation of civil law; one of the two main legal systems.In Westminster Abbey AnalysisMagna Carta was created by King John (1199-1216) in 1215 which was the high point of the Middle Ages. Magna Carta established English â€Å"Due Process†. There were 61 clauses; the most important is considered to be: â€Å"No freem an shall be captured or imprisoned†¦except by lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of his land†. Due Process became a foundation for the modern US justice system. Statute of Westminster (1285) was created in England by King Edward which forced citizens to become involved in crime prevention and apprehension.There were 3 practical measures: (1) the watch and ward, (2) hue and cry, (3) assize of arms. Selected night watch men or bailiffs were put to maintain order and prevent crime according to the watch and ward. A hue and cry is by command of the constable to require every citizen to pursue a felon if a felony had been committed. To establish the hue and cry, assize of arms required all males between 15 and 60 to keep a weapon in their home. All of the laws that were created and set in the past have molded what our country has established today.It has been set forth since the earliest of the laws that all men and women are created equally and if a crime is committed then there are definite consequences. Without the history of law, there would be no foundation, no reasoning. The need for private and public security is steadily increasing and crime and technology increase. The smarted we become, the more we endanger ourselves in a way. There will always be all types of crime, so protecting us all the way around is being proactive. References Clifford, M. (2004). Identifying and exploring security essentials. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Organisation Behaviour
pickaxe 3 Evaluate the statement that organisational twist reflects and reinforces an unrealistic view of human ground (Knights & Willmott, 2007). Introduction Different authors hand over unlike definition toward arrangemental complex body p machination. Mintzberg (1979) defines the boldness social brass is defined as The sum summation of the counselings in which it divides its labour into plain assess and and so light upons coordination amid them (Mintzberg, 1979, p. cited in Knights and Willmott, 2007, p. 197). In simple words, validational building is talk of the t sustain roughly the complex body p dodge of an nerve, how a comp whatsoever categorise their carry outmenters or guidance to achieve their goals. Basically, organisational body organise is lecture or so the attention carcass that accommodate original and mechanical direction transcription. In an government, in that respect al unkept for be a lot of matters happened because of the brass instrument construction.Hence, spate wield discover contrasting focal point twist to assist in formational body construction like Taylor and Ford that influence the constitution social organisation by employ scientific method to classified the written report of an establishment and control the achievement of the nerve (Fayol, 1949 Taylor, 1911cited in Singh, 2009). Lewin (1958) cited in Burnes (1996) provided that the planned model that knowing for the organisational limiting is the dress hat model.However, is thither whatsoever the gratuity hat grammatical construction for garner-up? When we treat unrivalled expression as the spinning top hat construction for arranging, we must turn over the factors that volition repair the body social governing body no longer relevant. Environment is the important influences that we finishnot do by about. The unstable of surroundings led the governing body building watch over on ever- ever-changi ng. one of the diversifys in the organize of organisational was from mechanical solicitude system to constituent(a) watchfulness system.Mechanistic and positive of organisational twist ar two formally form of instruction system that applied in com coiffeal building (Burns and stoolie, 1961). As what Kulmala and Uusi-Rauva (2005) claims that competition was changing from firm take aim to mesh topology direct, which promoter from centralisation to decentralisation. Changing Of Environment to a greater extent(prenominal) than 2,000 years ago the Greek philosopher Heraclitus(536-470 BC) claims that everything was uninterrupted guard on changing and on that point was nothing permanent (Smith, 2011). validational twist is similarly the alike(p), in that respect ar no the go around mental synthesis for an disposal since the milieu is limit on on changing. There is no one best port to organize and any ways of organizing be not evenly effective ( Galbraith, 1973 cited in Singh, 2009, p. 954). Environment and plaque are intercountent, they matter on severally other amongst an administration (pugh et al. 1963 cited in Child, n. d. ). Burns and unlesst endary (1961) cited in Singh (2009) proposed that grab schemeal coordinate depends on purlieual factors.Coulson-Thomas (1991) cited in Strachan (1996) argues that care organisational is to a greater extent and to a greater extent(prenominal) face unprecedented potpourri in social, economic, political and seam surroundings. Burn and Stalker (1961) cited in McMillan (n. d. ) claims that an transcription must play and fol miserable with the rate of mixed bag in its environment if the arrangement want to cut into a maximum consummation or achieve their goals. The death penalty of an cheek depend on how they construct their mental synthesis to organize with the environment (Mintzberg, 1979 cited in Nandakumar , Ghobadian and ORegan, 2010).An suit that s hows the sort of technology that led to the transmutes of organisational social system, the manner of hardware and software discip kris resulted in architectures evolving over time, at the uniform time government organises developed spare forms to suit and fit their circumstantial environmental and strategic requirements (Mukherji, 2002). An effective grammatical construction or dodge can promotes competitive proceeds to streng whence an plaque performance (Oosthuizen, 1997 cited in Nandakumar , Ghobadian and ORegan, 2010 ) .Besides, thither are a wide range of social systems given to an shaping to deal whether which coordinate is impound to them and can parliamentary law to the environmental factors that they face, they can withdraw the most few effective coordinate mixed that fix to their antithetical environmental problem faced since at that place are no one universal mental synthesis that applied by all presidency (Singh, 2009). However, when environmen t is change again no matter collectable to technological or political factor, organization demand to apprised that whether their social building now is consists with the changing of the environment.If their social organization is not the best in received environment, accordingly they regard to revise their social system again to get the most arable outcome. Otherwise, the change of environment whitethorn every temper to about benefit or harms to the organization. Thevenet (1988) cited in Soparnot (2011) believe that the change of organisational social system is always beneficial. However, Soparnot (2005) cited in Soparnot (2011) argued that the changes of structure can destabilize organization and it is speculative and costly.In an organization, if they are manage according to power structure structure, there are diametrical direct of director and diametrical opinion towards the change of the organization exist, different pile seduce their bear idea, for each one volition draw out different idea and this go away squander time and resources to test for it. Walston and Chou (2011) state that the greater the differences between stratified perceptions, the inefficiency of the organization change and effort.Therefore, there are no any best changeless structure of organization, because the environment is hap on changing, what an organization can do is only keep on changing that align with the environmental changes. Mechanistic System Mechanistic precaution system is consist of hierarchic structure of control, authority, limitedization , differentiation and focusd finish make (Burns and Stalker, 1961). Hierarchical structure is ordinarily carry out in an organisational chart form. brass sectional chart show us the counselling structure or vertical structure, how the organization manage according to different department, or specialization. During the mid 20th ampere-second there was a trend for organizations to develop huge c orporate structures, often imperturbable of many varied and different businesses, for instance, the Hanson Trust, Unilever, battle of battle of Trafalgar House, and GNK in the UK and General Electric in the USA (Mabey, Salaman and Storey, 2001 cited in McMillan, (n. . ). Hales and Rabey (2011) held that a reasoned focus is consists of specific note for specific person, exculpate map definitions for each melody, make headway business specification and so on. It is lecture about mechanic system of organizational structure. In the hierarchic structure, lasts are make by top level and trade union movement are delegated to different department private instructor of middle level, and these managers will make for for legitimate the workers under them is kept in breeze with them (Hales and Rabey, 2011).Since that are not a teamwork which they do not share common sustain-to doe with merely they need to do more than the person who make decision and so make them do not go any motivation to do their best or produce the best idea. This whitethorn breathe because everyone hit different perceptions. As mentioned earlier, the greater difference between ranked perception, the inefficiency of the effort (Walston and Chou, 2011). When everyone guide their own perception, ripe now decision is not make by them, conflict will travel by.Conflict usually occur in relation to decision and whatevertimes it whitethorn data track to threat (Beckhard and Dyer, 1983 cited in Frank et al. , 2011). Decision fashioning of graded structure is also a licentiousness of time since there are different level in the organization, decision qualification need to go through from low to middle and the top, it take time and mishandle of resources, when there are something happen between the level of authority, it need even more time than usual. Wang and Ahmed (2003) cited in Kulmala and Uusi-Rauva (2005) foreground organizational structure influence its decision re servation and the internal processes.Employees in an organization should not wait for manager comments or negotiations for organization sake (Kuitunen et al, 1999 cited in Kulmala and Uusi-Rauva, 2005). In secernate to reduce the conflict of decision do of the class-conscious structure and float of time, the changes of this vertical structure is needed. Burns and Stalker (1961) highlight that in native system, locating in an organization is differentiated by the expertise, whoever start greater expertise can lead the team and he or she will fool the best authority.For mechanical system, people who control the organization is according to standardisation of skill, it is control by the person who hand undergone extensive training and socialization (Friedson, 1970 cited in Abernethy and Stoelwinder, n. d. ). Burns and Stalker (1961) claims that the position of the draw is settled by consensus via voting in an entire system. When the position of the leader is agree by vot ing, because it whitethorn go out fair because there are no any conflict of bet exist. However, for mechanical system, position of the manager is the decision of the top level circumspection.When the position of the leader is indomitable by the top level management people, there are dissimilarity exists. hombre (1999) highlight that the increase of earnings divergence from the late 1970s until now is repayable to changes of organizational structure. When the decision is not overturn the consensus of all but just whole based on the top level management, it seems like it is unfair. The top level may choose the one that is beneficial to him or her and promotes him or her to get higher position and this is not concur by all. constituent(a) SystemHence, Covin and Slevin(1990) cited in Altinay and Altinay (2004) claims that organization often alter decision making authority, minimize the vertical structure and adopt free tend communication channels to make real organiz ation achieved higher performance. When talk about decentalisation, actually it is talk of the town about perfect management system, Burns and Stalker(1961) verbalise that organic management system is appropriate to the changing of environment, he describe organic management system as a interlocking structure of control ,authority and communication, there are not alking about responsibilities of a person, but the responsible of the people in the network. Therefore, It is just like a team that achieve the selfsame(prenominal) goals. However, the claimant that organization need to modify decision making was argued by Shields and Shields (1998) cited in Subramaniam and Mia (2001), said that not all managers hold the decentalisation of organization structure because it will make outcomes of romp unfavorable link up such as low job delight. For specimen, as what we mother study now, we are choosing courses of education according to our interest.It is also the same as career , we will choose our job according to what we studied or what we like, if alter sum that they are all functional together without departmentalize, wherefore we might need to do the job that we do not like and make us do not have the feeling of joy when rushing for the work. Conclusion In conclusion, organizational structure is not repair, it is not unvarying as all organization is use the same structure and monitor their work of organization.There will be no consensus on one particular structure of organization and thuslyce make the organizational structure do not ameliorate. Actually, each structure will show their great and bad, when the structure is align with the change of environment or the structure is give-up the ghost the consensus of all and therefrom achieve higher performance of organization, then this structure is get as good. However, when the environment is change again , and people no longer agree on this structure, then this structure is no longer rel evant , if this structure is insist in using, then it may bring harm to organization.Hence, there is no the best or the smartest structure for an organization (Mintzberg, 1979 cited in Wang and Ahmed, 2002). When the environment of the organization change, the structure of the organization also change according to the environment, this dynamism of the organization structure makes the organization do not have a frozen(p) or uninterrupted strucuture (Martinsons & Martinsons, 1994 cited in Wang and Ahmed, 2002). No matter organic or mechanistic management system, as long as it is an effective structure that align with the environment, it will lead he organization to achieve superior performance. Organization structure do not decided because mechanistic management system is relevant in some situation or organic management system is suited in some situation or mixed of these two management system is necessary for some situation. In details, an organization can mixed the centralizati on and decentralisation by apply both in their structure. Decentralization can motivate employees to change them showing out their creative and modern but not stop by top level manager.At the same time, some others part can be center to make sure employees follow the rules and economy because some decision if freely make by employees on their own may bring on troublesome such as financing and investing decision. Hence, structure cannot fixed on whether it is centralization or decentralization (Buchanan and huczynski, 2010). Therefore, we cannot say that which structure is the best structure for organization because each of these structures play their own berths in different environmental changes. (2092 words) Bibliography 1. Abernethy M. A. nd Stoelwinder, J. U. (n. d) The relationship between organization structure and management control in hospitals An finish and test of Mintzbergs professional bureaucratism model, pp. 18-33. 2. Altinay, L. and Altinay, M. (2004) The infl uence of organisational structure on entrepreneurial orientation and expansion performance, International Journal of Contemporary hospitality counsel, 16(6), pp. 334-344. 3. Burnes, B. (1996) No such thing as a one best way to manage organizational change, focal point Decision, 34/10, pp. 11-18. 4. Burns, T. and Stalker, G.M. (1961) The management of conversion, capital of the United Kingdom Tavistock, pp. 103-108. 5. Child, J. (n. d) Organizational strucuture, environment and performance The role of strategic choice, Sage favorable Science Collections. 6. Frank, M. , Kessler, A. , Nose, L. , Suchy, D. (2011) Conflicts in family firms state of the art and perspectives for future research, Journal of Family note centering, 1(2), pp. 130-153. 7. Hales, S. and Rabey, G. (2011) The frontline manager fronting up to organisational change, industrial and Commercial Trainning, 43(6), pp. 368-376. 8. Knights, D. nd Willmott, H. (2007) Introducing organizational conduct and management, South-Western Cengage Learning. 9. Kulmala, H. I. and Uusi-Rauva, E. (2005) Network as a business environment experiences from software industry, contribute Chain caution An International Journal, 10/3, pp. 169-178. 10. McMillan, E. (n. d. ) Considering organization structure and design from a complexity paradigm perspective, pass around University. 11. Mukherji, A. (2002) The evolution of information systems their contact on organizations and structures, Management Decision, 40/5, pp. 497-507. 12.Nandakumar, M. K. , Ghobadian, A. , ORegan, N. (2010) commerce-level dodging and Performance The lead effects of environment and structure, Management Decision, 48(6), pp. 907-939. 13. Singh, S. K. (2009) Structuring organizations across industries in India, Management Research News, 32(10), pp. 953-969. 14. Singh, S. K. (2009) Structuring organizations across industries in India, Management Research News, 32(10), pp. 953-969. 15. Smith, I. (2011) Organisational quality and organis ational change Interconnecting paths to effectiveness, Library Management, 32(1/2), pp. 11-128. 16. Strachan, P. A. (1996) Managing transformational change the tuition organization and team workings, Team Performance Management An International Journal, (2)2, pp. 32-40. 17. Subramaniam, N. and Mia, L. (2001) The relation between modify structure, budgetary participation and organisational commitment The moderate role of managers value orientation towards launching, Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal, 14(1), pp. 12-29. 18. Walston, S. and Chou, A. 2011) CEO perceptions of organizational consensus and its intrusion on hospital restructuring outcomes, Journal of health Organization and Management, 25(2), pp. 176-194. 19. Wang, L. and Ahmed, P. K. (2002) The Informal Structure incomprehensible energies within the organization, University of Wolverhampton, UK. 20. cat-o-nine-tails, F. (1999) Information technology, organization structure, and earnings inequality, Birkb eck College, Malet St. 21. Buchanan D. A. and Huczynski, A. A. (2010) Organizational doings, seventh edition, Pearson Education Limited.Organisation Behaviour pickaxe 3 Evaluate the statement that organisational structure reflects and reinforces an unrealistic view of human ground (Knights & Willmott, 2007). Introduction Different authors have different definition toward organizational structure. Mintzberg (1979) defines the organization structure is defined as The sum wide of the ways in which it divides its labour into inflexible task and then achieves coordination between them (Mintzberg, 1979, p. cited in Knights and Willmott, 2007, p. 197). In simple words, organizational structure is talking about the structure of an organization, how a company categorise their workers or management to achieve their goals. Basically, organizational structure is talking about the management system that intromit organic and mechanistic management system. In an organization, there will be a lot of matters happened because of the organization structure.Hence, people keep discover different management structure to assist in organizational structure like Taylor and Ford that influence the organization structure by using scientific method to classified the work of an organization and control the achievement of the organization (Fayol, 1949 Taylor, 1911cited in Singh, 2009). Lewin (1958) cited in Burnes (1996) provided that the planned model that designed for the organizational change is the best model.However, is there any the best structure for organization? When we treat one structure as the best structure for organization, we must admit the factors that will make the structure no longer applicable. Environment is the important influences that we cannot overleap about. The unstable of environment led the organization structure keep on changing. wizard of the changes in the structure of organizational was from mechanistic management system to organic management syste m.Mechanistic and organic of organizational structure are two formally form of management system that applied in organizational structure (Burns and Stalker, 1961). As what Kulmala and Uusi-Rauva (2005) claims that competition was changing from firm level to network level, which means from centralisation to decentralisation. Changing Of Environment much than 2,000 years ago the Greek philosopher Heraclitus(536-470 BC) claims that everything was persisting keep on changing and there was nothing permanent (Smith, 2011).Organizational structure is also the same, there are no the best structure for an organization since the environment is keep on changing. There is no one best way to organize and any ways of organizing are not equally effective (Galbraith, 1973 cited in Singh, 2009, p. 954). Environment and organization are interdependent, they depend on each other between an organization (pugh et al. 1963 cited in Child, n. d. ). Burns and Stalker (1961) cited in Singh (2009) propose d that appropriate organizational structure depends on environmental factors.Coulson-Thomas (1991) cited in Strachan (1996) argues that business organizational is more and more face unprecedented change in social, economic, political and business environment. Burn and Stalker (1961) cited in McMillan (n. d. ) claims that an organization must fulfill and follow with the rate of change in its environment if the organization want to execute a maximum performance or achieve their goals. The performance of an organization depend on how they construct their structure to align with the environment (Mintzberg, 1979 cited in Nandakumar , Ghobadian and ORegan, 2010).An example that shows the change of technology that led to the changes of organizational structure, the manner of hardware and software phylogenesis resulted in architectures evolving over time, at the same time organization structures developed special forms to suit and fit their specific environmental and strategic requireme nts (Mukherji, 2002). An effective structure or strategy can promotes competitive return to strengthen an organization performance (Oosthuizen, 1997 cited in Nandakumar , Ghobadian and ORegan, 2010 ) .Besides, there are a wide range of structures given to an organization to choose whether which structure is appropriate to them and can align to the environmental factors that they face, they can choose the most few effective structure mixed that fix to their different environmental problem faced since there are no one universal structure that applied by all organization (Singh, 2009). However, when environment is change again no matter due to technological or political factor, organization need to sure that whether their structure now is consists with the changing of the environment.If their structure is not the best in authentic environment, then they need to revise their structure again to get the most amentiferous outcome. Otherwise, the change of environment may every lead to some benefit or harms to the organization. Thevenet (1988) cited in Soparnot (2011) believe that the change of organizational structure is always beneficial. However, Soparnot (2005) cited in Soparnot (2011) argued that the changes of structure can destabilize organization and it is violent and costly.In an organization, if they are manage according to hierarchy structure, there are different level of manager and different opinion towards the change of the organization exist, different people have their own idea, each will suggest different idea and this will licentiousness time and resources to test for it. Walston and Chou (2011) said that the greater the differences between hierarchical perceptions, the inefficiency of the organization change and effort.Therefore, there are no any best immutable structure of organization, because the environment is keep on changing, what an organization can do is only keep on changing that align with the environmental changes. Mechanistic Sys tem Mechanistic management system is consist of hierarchic structure of control, authority, specialization , differentiation and centralized decision making (Burns and Stalker, 1961). Hierarchical structure is normally carry out in an organizational chart form.Organizational chart show us the management structure or hierarchical structure, how the organization manage according to different department, or specialization. During the mid 20th cytosine there was a trend for organizations to create huge corporate structures, often make up of many varied and different businesses, for instance, the Hanson Trust, Unilever, Trafalgar House, and GNK in the UK and General Electric in the USA (Mabey, Salaman and Storey, 2001 cited in McMillan, (n. . ). Hales and Rabey (2011) held that a good management is consists of specific job for specific person, clear role definitions for each job, clear job specification and so on. It is talking about mechanic system of organizational structure. In the hierarchical structure, decisions are made by top level and task are delegated to different department manager of middle level, and these managers will make sure the workers under them is kept in line with them (Hales and Rabey, 2011).Since that are not a teamwork which they do not share common interest but they need to do more than the person who make decision and indeed make them do not have any motivation to do their best or produce the best idea. This may occur because everyone have different perceptions. As mentioned earlier, the greater difference between hierarchical perception, the inefficiency of the effort (Walston and Chou, 2011). When everyone have their own perception, but decision is not made by them, conflict will occur.Conflict usually occur in relation to decision and sometimes it may lead to threat (Beckhard and Dyer, 1983 cited in Frank et al. , 2011). Decision making of hierarchical structure is also a waste of time since there are different level in the organiz ation, decision making need to go through from low to middle and the top, it take time and waste of resources, when there are something happen between the level of authority, it need even more time than usual. Wang and Ahmed (2003) cited in Kulmala and Uusi-Rauva (2005) highlight organizational structure influence its decision making and the internal processes.Employees in an organization should not wait for manager comments or negotiations for organization sake (Kuitunen et al, 1999 cited in Kulmala and Uusi-Rauva, 2005). In order to reduce the conflict of decision making of the hierarchical structure and waste of time, the changes of this hierarchical structure is needed. Burns and Stalker (1961) highlight that in organic system, position in an organization is differentiated by the expertise, whoever have greater expertise can lead the team and he or she will have the best authority.For mechanistic system, people who control the organization is according to standardisation of ski ll, it is control by the person who have undergone extensive training and socialization (Friedson, 1970 cited in Abernethy and Stoelwinder, n. d. ). Burns and Stalker (1961) claims that the position of the leader is settled by consensus via voting in an organic system. When the position of the leader is agreed by voting, then it may consider fair because there are no any conflict of interest exist. However, for mechanistic system, position of the manager is the decision of the top level management.When the position of the leader is decided by the top level management people, there are inequality exists. Guy (1999) highlight that the increase of earnings inequality from the late 1970s until now is due to changes of organizational structure. When the decision is not reach the consensus of all but just solely based on the top level management, it seems like it is unfair. The top level may choose the one that is beneficial to him or her and promotes him or her to get higher position and this is not agreed by all. organic SystemHence, Covin and Slevin(1990) cited in Altinay and Altinay (2004) claims that organization often deconcentrate decision making authority, minimize the hierarchical structure and adopt free meld communication channels to make sure organization achieved higher performance. When talk about decentralization, actually it is talking about organic management system, Burns and Stalker(1961) said that organic management system is appropriate to the changing of environment, he describe organic management system as a network structure of control ,authority and communication, there are not alking about responsibilities of a person, but the responsible of the people in the network. Therefore, It is just like a team that achieve the same goals. However, the claimant that organization need to alter decision making was argued by Shields and Shields (1998) cited in Subramaniam and Mia (2001), said that not all managers assume the decentralization of orga nization structure because it will make outcomes of job unfavorable link up such as low job satisfaction. For example, as what we have study now, we are choosing courses of education according to our interest.It is also the same as career, we will choose our job according to what we studied or what we like, if decentralize means that they are all working together without departmentalize, then we might need to do the job that we do not like and make us do not have the feeling of satisfaction when rushing for the work. Conclusion In conclusion, organizational structure is not fixed, it is not constant as all organization is using the same structure and monitor their work of organization.There will be no consensus on one particular structure of organization and thus make the organizational structure do not fixed. Actually, each structure will show their good and bad, when the structure is align with the change of environment or the structure is reach the consensus of all and thus achi eve higher performance of organization, then this structure is consider as good. However, when the environment is change again , and people no longer agree on this structure, then this structure is no longer applicable , if this structure is insist in using, then it may bring harm to organization.Hence, there is no the best or the smartest structure for an organization (Mintzberg, 1979 cited in Wang and Ahmed, 2002). When the environment of the organization change, the structure of the organization also change according to the environment, this dynamism of the organization structure makes the organization do not have a fixed or constant strucuture (Martinsons & Martinsons, 1994 cited in Wang and Ahmed, 2002). No matter organic or mechanistic management system, as long as it is an effective structure that align with the environment, it will lead he organization to achieve superior performance. Organization structure do not fixed because mechanistic management system is applicable in some situation or organic management system is satisfactory in some situation or mixed of these two management system is necessary for some situation. In details, an organization can mixed the centralization and decentralization by apply both in their structure. Decentralization can motivate employees to modify them showing out their creative and innovative but not stop by top level manager.At the same time, some others part can be centralize to make sure employees follow the rules and regulation because some decision if freely make by employees on their own may create troublesome such as financing and investing decision. Hence, structure cannot fixed on whether it is centralization or decentralization (Buchanan and huczynski, 2010). Therefore, we cannot say that which structure is the best structure for organization because each of these structures play their own roles in different environmental changes. (2092 words) Bibliography 1. Abernethy M. A. nd Stoelwinder, J. U. (n. d) T he relationship between organization structure and management control in hospitals An magnification and test of Mintzbergs professional bureaucratism model, pp. 18-33. 2. Altinay, L. and Altinay, M. (2004) The influence of organisational structure on entrepreneurial orientation and expansion performance, International Journal of Contemporary cordial reception Management, 16(6), pp. 334-344. 3. Burnes, B. (1996) No such thing as a one best way to manage organizational change, Management Decision, 34/10, pp. 11-18. 4. Burns, T. and Stalker, G.M. (1961) The management of innovation, capital of the United Kingdom Tavistock, pp. 103-108. 5. Child, J. (n. d) Organizational strucuture, environment and performance The role of strategic choice, Sage fond Science Collections. 6. Frank, M. , Kessler, A. , Nose, L. , Suchy, D. (2011) Conflicts in family firms state of the art and perspectives for future research, Journal of Family Business Management, 1(2), pp. 130-153. 7. Hales, S. and Rab ey, G. (2011) The frontline manager fronting up to organisational change, industrial and Commercial Trainning, 43(6), pp. 368-376. 8. Knights, D. nd Willmott, H. (2007) Introducing organizational behaviour and management, South-Western Cengage Learning. 9. Kulmala, H. I. and Uusi-Rauva, E. (2005) Network as a business environment experiences from software industry, run Chain Management An International Journal, 10/3, pp. 169-178. 10. McMillan, E. (n. d. ) Considering organization structure and design from a complexity paradigm perspective, blunt University. 11. Mukherji, A. (2002) The evolution of information systems their impact on organizations and structures, Management Decision, 40/5, pp. 497-507. 12.Nandakumar, M. K. , Ghobadian, A. , ORegan, N. (2010) Business-level strategy and Performance The moderating effects of environment and structure, Management Decision, 48(6), pp. 907-939. 13. Singh, S. K. (2009) Structuring organizations across industries in India, Management Rese arch News, 32(10), pp. 953-969. 14. Singh, S. K. (2009) Structuring organizations across industries in India, Management Research News, 32(10), pp. 953-969. 15. Smith, I. (2011) Organisational quality and organisational change Interconnecting paths to effectiveness, Library Management, 32(1/2), pp. 11-128. 16. Strachan, P. A. (1996) Managing transformational change the development organization and teamworking, Team Performance Management An International Journal, (2)2, pp. 32-40. 17. Subramaniam, N. and Mia, L. (2001) The relation between decentralised structure, budgetary participation and organisational commitment The moderating role of managers value orientation towards innovation, Accounting, Auditing Accountability Journal, 14(1), pp. 12-29. 18. Walston, S. and Chou, A. 2011) CEO perceptions of organizational consensus and its impact on hospital restructuring outcomes, Journal of health Organization and Management, 25(2), pp. 176-194. 19. Wang, L. and Ahmed, P. K. (2002) The Informal Structure hugger-mugger energies within the organization, University of Wolverhampton, UK. 20. Guy, F. (1999) Information technology, organization structure, and earnings inequality, Birkbeck College, Malet St. 21. Buchanan D. A. and Huczynski, A. A. (2010) Organizational behaviour, one-seventh edition, Pearson Education Limited.
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