Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Trust And Politics Essays - Social Psychology, Reputation Management
Trust And Politics Lack of trust is a reoccurring theme through out the three cases. One might ask, why you need trust in any civil society? Lack of trust in a civil society has the society with no real stability. Trust in authority is lacking in each case. The approval rating for Bill Clinton is high. Does this mean that most Americans trust Bill Cliton? Most polls would tell that trust is a serious issue. So, what is the consequences of Americans not having trust in there president? It can't be to bad because the economy is doing great and the budget and finally balanced. Most Americans are happy so what is the problem? The lack of trust is a direct correlation with weak and/or illegitimate authority. Trust with our president has always been a sensitive issue. Richard Nixion broke that trust with the country and sealed the fate for himself and his party for a short term. No one really understood why Nixon had ordered the break in of the democratic offices in the first place. What made matters worse is Nixion never came out and admitted his mistake even when the evidence was overwhelming. Clinton's case has some similarities to it. While he finally did come out and admit what he had done he showed little remorse and accusations still remain about a cover up. The lack of trust in a political position in this country tends to the norm. It is created and redefined every day in Washington with a political figure. This creates an image and a strong stereotype for all political figures. This in turn hurts all of our civil society. Without the trust then how do you have the legitimate authority to lead the country. Most would say that Clinton's leadership really is not the question but his judgment is. To me, that is a contradiction and that poor judgment leads to poor leadership. His poor judgment leads to his ethics and morals that he has. People with weak family values will have a hard time trusting Cliton with just recognition of their own problems. The lack of trust is not just with Cliton in the impeachment arguments. All of the political system seems to be lacking credibility. How mush faith do people have that their representative will represent their opinion and not act in the best interest of their party? Who in all this has the best interest in the country? If Congress does not represent the majority and decides on the rational of what party they are in then it is a illegitimate use of authority. Cananada's theme in the early part of the book was an issue with trust. In such a community, trust was not apparent and was earned. The lack of trust went further then authority. In his neighborhood trust was earned the hard way by a serious of tests. The policy matrix in that community dictates that trust when earned is essential for survival. Trust within sub cultures of the society also lead to survival. Even with individual families trust was earned. Geoffrey Canada's mother sent his bothers out to retrieve a jacket to prove that the family could trust in each other in adversity. Federal mandates dictated massive efforts to extent efforts to improve the equality of the educational opportunity. A lack of trust was apparent in Hamiltion High in the 60's and 70's. This was in part do to the end of segregation of schools. At such a great time of transition there were so many outside influences trying to control the policy matrix. Most notable was the federal government mandating the segregation. The lack of shared values during the transition played a crucial role in the process. The civil rights was suppose to be a trickle down effect from the federal government. The problem there is that not all respected government officials believed in equality for education. Conflict arose and with it side were drawn. Ho could the government decide on what a "moral education" is when such confusion existed on what morals were for many political figures. The lack of shared values weighed heavily with trust of many just to provide a safe educational environment. The lack of values can be an argument traced back to the Clinton's scandal. Who is to say that Clinton himself did not help dictate what many people believe is a society that is severely lacking values. To many, he began this process early when he answered what kind of undergarment he wore or when he
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Utopia essays
Utopia essays Sir Thomas More was a humanist who wrote the book Utopia. Utopia was a book written that had a revolutionary idea, a perfect society. Utopia has been significant throughout history, because it depicts a perfect society without human greed and corruption. Yet, the main reason for its controversy is that there will never be a Utopian society. There are a couple of reasons for the impossibility of a Utopian society. It is impossible for people to be selfless. We are human beings and our selfishness will get the better of us. Darwins theory of survival of the fittest correlates with the impossibility of a Utopia in that there will be winners and there will be losers. In the Utopian society of the book, it seems as though every person is a winner which is impossible. If you look at history there has never been a perfect society. Thomas More wrote Utopia in 1516, almost five hundred years have past since More introduced the idea of a Utopia. Yet, no society has come close to bei ng a Utopia. The selfishness of human beings can never and will never disappear. Indeed there are genuinely selfless people in the world, but they are a small minority. Almost every person is selfish in this world. Humans always want more than the next person. They never want to share. No matter how good of a concept that the Utopian society holds people wont accept it, because they have a different way of viewing the world. The selfishness of humans in general can never vanish. It is too strongly attached. Darwins theory of survival of the fittest matches perfectly with how the world works, only the strong survive. There are clearly winners and losers in our society. Some people have Rolexs and others have Timexs. Some people are more intelligent than others. Some people can jump higher and run faster than others. They are on top and the rest are on the bottom. Losers are eve...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
News Article related to Liquidated Damage Clause Essay
News Article related to Liquidated Damage Clause - Essay Example It often includes a reading that the parties involved in the contract are agreeing beforehand, as it would probably be unmanageable to decide the compensatory damages in the event of contract breach, although, such a statement is not mandatory. This clause may be conducted towards both parties involved in the contract. For instance in these words: "If both of us neglect to execute, one will be obliged to pay the other party $20,000." But it is not essential too. Normally, a liquidated damages clause is conducted towards only one party, along with the specified date of delivery of amount. The California Association of Realtors has provided a benchmark contract involving residential purchase that entails a liquidated damages clause that emphasizes that if a buyer failed to fulfill the completion of purchase contract due to fault by buyer, the seller will retain the amount deposited actually as the liquidated damages. The most noteworthy items in the mentioned clause include the asymmetry of the provision; as it puts the whole burden on one party, its limitation to a specific unit of residential property set by the Civil Code 1675 and the requirement of agreement by signing to ensure damages are paid. The signatory agreement is required to ensure that both parties have agreed that the contract has breached. Otherwise an arbitration or judicial decision will be needed. Initialling or signatory agreement on a liquidated clause is not mandatory but optional. Though it is printed priory in the agreement of CAR purchase, it is applicable only on the indication of both parties. Mostly in the encounter of a liquidating clause, a principle has the liability to inquire the meaning of the clause replied by the seller as defined by law. At times the contract has been breached by the buyer and this hurts the seller who desires to have more than the deposited amount so the inclusion of liquidated damage clause helps in
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Shutdown procedures on Mixers, Crutcher and Pumps Essay
Shutdown procedures on Mixers, Crutcher and Pumps - Essay Example Preferably not all of the succinic acid is flushed through the buffer tank. This means that when the supplies of succinic anhydride, water and alkali are switched on for start-up, there is still some acid in the buffer tank to "seed" the hydrolysis reaction. During the period that the process is not operating, the buffer tank should be maintained at an elevated temperature (typically 60Â °-80Â ° C.) in order to prevent solidification of the succinic acid/anhydride mix’ (Patentstorm 1998). A crutcher is the ‘main reaction vessel in the semi-boiled saponification process, or simply a mixing vessel in the soap modification process. It can be used to make a wide variety of soaps or for mixing additives and fillers into liquid soap. Crutches are very easy to use and are generally found in laundry soap factories. They are also used in more sophisticated plants, such as for making transparent soap. A process is described for retarding or preventing the setting of a miscible and pumpable crutcher slurry intended to be spray dried to base beads for subsequent conversion to a built synthetic organic nonionic detergent composition.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Criminal Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Criminal Law - Assignment Example The guilty act/omission of the defendant must be the factual and legal cause of the death. To establish factual causation, the court in White1 established the ‘but for’ test: but for the defendant’s act, would the victim have suffered harm? If the answer is negative, factual causation is established. Legal causation requires that the death be attributable to a culpable act. However, the culpable act does not have to be the only cause. In Benge2, it was held that it is sufficient if it was more than minimal. However, some contributing acts may excuse the defendant from liability. If subsequent acts occur to break the chain of causation, the accused is not liable in law. Nevertheless, regardless of such intervening acts, where the acts of the accused remain the substantial and operative factors of the death, the defendant is not excused from culpability. This was established in the case of Smith3. Actus reus must be accompanied by mens rea. For the crime of murder, it must be proved that the accused had ‘malice aforethought’.4 That is, the accused had the intention to cause the unlawful death. Section 18 of the Offences Against the Person 1861 requires that the accused wounded or caused grievous bodily harm with intent to do some grievous bodily harm. In Mohan,5 the court held that foresight of death or injury was not tantamount to an intention. The test to establish presence of intention was laid by the house of the Lords in Nedrick.6 The court stated that the defendant must recognize that death or serious injury is virtually certain to result from his conduct. Additionally, the House of Lords decision in Woollin7 concluded that the jury could only infer intention when satisfied that death was virtually certain from the defendant’s conduct, and that the defendant appreciated this fact. Gerald will be charged with the crime of murder of Victoria. But for his conduct to hide Victoria in a secret air-tight compartment, she would not have died. His act
Friday, November 15, 2019
Behaviour Management Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry
Behaviour Management Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry Title of the article: Model of parental acceptance of various behavior management techniques used in pediatric dentistry Abstract: Purpose: to evaluate the parental acceptance of different behavior management techniques routinely used in pediatric dentistry. Methods: Forty parents were shown a video tape of different nine behavior management techniques. (1.) Tell Show Do, (2.) Modeling, (3.) Positive reinforcement, (4.) Distraction, (5.) Voice control, (6.) Hand over mouth exercise, (7.) physical restrain, (8.) conscious sedation and (9.) General Anesthesia. Parents were explained and asked to rate their acceptance on visual analogue scale provided in form Results: All the parents in the sample group completed the survey form and among them 37 parents accepted the positive reinforcement technique as the most acceptable. The least acceptable techniques were Hand over mouth exercise and physical restrain. The acceptance rate was in following order: Positive Reinforcement, Tell Show Do, Distraction, Modeling, Conscious Sedation, General Anesthesia, Voice Control, Hand over Mouth Exercise, Physical Restrain. Conclusion: Parents favor more affirmative approaches and management techniques that engross demonstrations geared for the child’s level of accepting. Aversive conditioning like Physical Restraint, Hand over mouth exercise and voice control is more strongly rejected than sedation and general anesthesia. Introduction: The most imperative facet in pediatric dental practice is behavior management of the child. It saves the time of not only dentists but also parents and child. The successful results can be obtained by the less anxious and well managed child. (Wright G Z. Behavior Management in Dentistry for Children. Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co, 1975) And for managing such child, the number of behavior management techniques has been explained in the literature. The intimate relationship among child, parent, dentist and society has been well explained by pedodontic triangle which provides proper child dental care. Not only this, but also it provides the information regarding the behavior management techniques to be used against the child. (Wright G Z. Behavior Management in Dentistry for Children. Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co, 1975. )(American academy of pediatric dentistry: Guideline on behavior guidance for the pediatric dental patient. Pediatr Dent 2007;29:115à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ24.) According to Kupietzky, for better understanding for their children`s treatment, parents can also participate actively in treatment decisions, and various behavior management techniques to modify their children`s behavior. This will ultimately diminish the parental anxiety. (Kupietzky A. Effects of video information on parental preoperative anxiety level and their perception of conscious sedation vs. general anesthesia for the dental treatment of their young ch ild. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2006;31:90à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ2) with growing concern about children`s rights and considering ethical aspects, pedodontists can no longer take for granted that parents will endorse any form of behaviour management technique without issue. (Klein A. Physical restraint, informed consent and the child patient. J Dent Child; 55: 121-122. 1987, Lawrence S M, McTigue D J, Wilson S, Odom J G, Waggoner W F, Fields H W Jr. Parental attitudes toward behavior management techniques used in pediatric dentistry. Pediatr Dent; 13: 151-155. 1991.) Informed consent is having a growing blow on behavior management of children. The courts uphold that treatment by health care professionals without prior consent is array and the dentist who treats a patient devoid of consent may be liable (Brown 1976). It was stated in the conference sponsored by American academy of pediatric dentistry in 1988 that informed consent must be obtained prior to employ any behavior management technique in children. (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry: Behavior Management for the Pediatric Dental Patient Final Proceedings of a Workshop,September 30 October 2, 1988, Iowa City, IA.) There are few studies which demonstrate that behavior management techniques are not evenly acknowledged by parents or guardians and many techniques are found to be objectionable. (Murphy M G, Fields H W Jr, Machen J B. Parental acceptance of pediatric dentistry behavior management technique. Pediatr Dent; 6: 193-198. 1984. , Peretz B, Zadik D. Attitudes of parents toward their presence in the treat ment room during dental treatment to their children. J Clin Pediatr Dent; 23: 27-30. 1998.) Various studies have been done regarding acceptance of various behavior management techniques in children. It begins with the study done by Murphy et at who first encountered in differences in parental acceptance of behaviour-management techniques. In their study, they fulfilled that tell-show-do technique was customary by most parents and general anesthesia and aversive conditioning techniques like physical restrain were least accepted. (Murphy MG, Fields HW, Machen JB. Parental acceptance of paediatric dentistry behavior management techniques. Pediatr Dent 1984; 6: 193-8.) Seven years after this study another study done by the Laurence et al stated that the enough explanation is necessary for better understanding and acceptance each techniques by parents. (Lawrence SM, McTigue DJ, Wilson S, et al. Parental attitudes toward behavior management techniques used in paediatric dentistry. Pediatr Dent 1991; 13: 151-5.) Havelka in 1992 quoted in his study that the socioeconomic status als o influence the acceptance of certain behavioral modification technique by parents. (Havelka C, McTigue D, Wilson S, Odom J. The influence of social status and prior explanation on parental attitudes toward behavior management techniques. Pediatr Dent 1992; 14: 376-81). Also, the acceptance of each behavior management technique is influenced by culture and geographic region. (Long N. The changing nature of parenting in America. Pediatr Dent 2004; 26: 121-4.) Till now there is only one Indian study was there regarding acceptance behavioral management techniques by parents. (Elango I, Baweja DK, Shivaprakash PK. Parental acceptance of pediatric behavior management techniques: A comparative study. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 2012;30:195-200) Thus, understanding parental acceptance regarding various behavior management techniques are very important which will ensure the proper child-dentist relationship as well as providing proper care. So the aim of this study was to assess the attitudes of parents towards different behavior management techniques used in pediatric dentistry. Materials and methods: 40 Parents were randomly selected from the department of pedodontics and preventive dentistry after the institutional committee ethical approval. (KA/PD- 06/2013) The inclusion criteria was decided which were, Parents of children with age 4-15 years with no previous dental history, Parents who are willing to participate and able to view and understand the videotape and Parents of all socioeconomic status irrespective of their age, gender, income, educational status, and occupation. A master video tape of various 9 behavior management techniques was made using the software windows movie maker v3.6. the behavior management techniques used were: (1.) Tell Show Do, (2.) Modeling, (3.) Positive reinforcement, (4.) Distraction, (5.) Voice control, (6.) Hand over mouth exercise, (7.) physical restrain, (8.) conscious sedation and (9.) General Anesthesia. All the behavior management techniques which were shown in the master video tape were recorded in the department of pedodontics and preventive dentistry. Before each behavior management, it was explained. The master video tape was approved by four pedodontist having more than 10 years of experience. The techniques were presented in the same sequence to all parents as follows: The video tape was 8 minutes long duration with each technique describing 20-30 seconds. After watching each behavior management technique parents were asked to give the opinion. The assessment form was filled by the parents contained the names of the techniques with two parameters of the visual analogue scale: Acceptableà ¯Ã‚ Ã… , Not acceptableà ¯Ã‚ Å’ Videotape was projected using a laptop/ projector in the parent counseling room.() The subjects were asked to mark their opinion by using a vertical mark onto à ¯Ã‚ Ã… or à ¯Ã‚ Å’ Following each technique Results: According to data analysis, the positive reinforcement was the most acceptable technique that was accepted by 37 parents (92.5%). The least acceptable technique was hand over mouth exercise and physical restrain that was accepted by only 5 parents (12.5%). The acceptance of various other behavior management techniques was in following order.(table 1) The same result is shown in the following bar diagram. (figure 3) Discussion: In the past years, various studies were conducted regarding the parental acceptance of various behavior management techniques by Murphy et al, Lawrence et al, Frankel, ; Havelka et al.; Scott and Garcà a-Godoy; Eaton et al, Elango et al. According to this study, the most acceptable techniques are positive reinforcement (92.5%) and tell show do (87.5%). These findings are in correlation with previous study done by Murphy et al. The reason for the highest rating of positive reinforcement and tell show do technique may be the parent demanding for the more child friendly behavior that will inspire the child for future dental treatment. Also in Murphy`s study, it was showed that the sedation and general anesthesia was least acceptable by parents. (Murphy MG, Fields HW Jr, Machen JB. Parental acceptance of pediatric behavior management techniques. Pediatr Dent 1984;6:193à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ8.) But in our study, General anesthesia and conscious sedation both were selected by 25 % of parents. The reason may be, they don’t want their child cry in the dental clinic and want multiple dental treatment in single sitting. It was concluded in the study by Eaton et al that in recent years, the approval for permission of nitrous oxide sedation has increased. (Eaton JJ, McTigue DJ, Fields HW, Beck FM. Attitudes of contemporary parents toward behavior management techniques used in paediatric dentistry. Pediatr Dent 2005; 27: 107-13.) However in our study we found that a considerable number of parents (25%) approved this technique, which was more than the previous studies by Murphy. The least acceptable techniques are hand over mouth exercise (12.5%) and physical restrain (12.5%) These findings are in correlation with previous studies done by Murphy et al. [1984] Eaton et al [2005] and J. Luis de Leà ³n et al [2010]. The reason for the same may be parents consider these techniques as illegal, unprofessional and not child friendly. HOME technique is also facing some controversy over a long period of time. For this reason many pedodontists are not using this technique and believe that parents may react negatively if they use this technique. (Bowers LT. The legality of using hand-over-mouth exercise for management of child behavior. J Dent Child 1982; 49: 257-65.) According to the report by Ouesis (2010) although HOME technique is eliminated from the AAPD guidelines, many dentists still accept this technique. (Oueis HS, Ralstrom E, Miriyala V, Molinari GE, Cassamassinmo P. Alternatives for Hand Over Mouth Exercise after its elimination from the clinical guidelines of the American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry. Pediatr Dent 2010;32:223-8) Restrain the child by pediwrap was also the least accepted technique. However it was suggested by frankle that this technique can be the accepted techniques by the mother if the child ic un cooperative. (Frankel RI. The Papoose Board and mothers’ attitudes following its use. Pediatr Dent 1991; 13: 284-8) Limitations: As the coin has two sides, the limitation in this study should not be ruled out. The first is different parents might evaluate the video tape differently and second one is failure to analyze the stress level of parents during watching the video tape. Further studies can be donre to eliminate these limitations. Conclusion: The following two conclusions can be drawn from this study, Parents prefer more positive approaches and management techniques that involve demonstrations geared for the child’s level of understanding. Aversive conditioning like Physical Restraint, Hand over mouth exercise and voice control is more strongly rejected than sedation and general anesthesia.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Describe Two Opposite People
Describe two opposite people In the small community of Culmersville there are only two adults that I could spend time with and never be bored. One of which was a kind lady by the name of Ms. Kelly and the other was the funniest man in the world by the name of Mr. King. Ms. Kelly is a kind person. She always teaches me to help those people who are in need and she also never got tired of helping others. For example, one of my friend’s family financial situation wasn’t so good and therefore Ms. Kelly buys him breakfast almost every morning. She hopes that he will not feel hungry during the school time and knows it can help him to concentrate in his studies. Ms. Kelly is also a sympathetic lady. Although she was not high-educated, she always teaches her kids and me to help other people. During weekends she would visit the Children’s Hostel and help the workers to teach and feed the children. She also always invites me and my family to be a volunteer and join her to do social works. On the other hand Mr. King was the complete opposite. He was an electrician and one of the most selfish people I knew. Mr. King would have two bottles of water and would rather throw a bottle of water in the garbage or put it in his car before he would give it to you. But yet I found Mr. King to be a funny man and spent lots of time with him playing dominoes. I had the best relationship with Mr. King in Culmersville. This probably was because I never asked him for anything. But Ms. Kelly and Mr. King was the worst of friends. I would call them enemies. All of this started when Ms. Kelly asked Mr. King to donate some of his funds to the Children’s Hostel. Mr. King could have told her a simple ‘no’ but he loudly told Ms. King, ‘if you don’t get off my property talking foolishness about donating money I would throw you off myself’. This was where the commotion started. Ms. Kelly then asked, ‘Do you call homeless children foolishness? ’ Mr. King then said, ‘The children aren’t the foolishness. You are. ‘Mr. King then slammed the door in Ms. Kelly’s face like she was coming to rob his house. Ever since this day every time Ms. Kelly sees Mr. King she would start pointing fingers at him telling people he hate homeless children and unfortunate people. These are the two people that thought me that people with opposite personalities would never be able to be together. But, although Ms. Kelly and Mr. King are two completely opposite people I enjoy being with either of them.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Protecting the Environment
After consideration, I would have thought deeper before making a decision. One of the examples is that I will think of other possibilities and ways of disposing an unwanted item. This is because our actions might seem little and can do much harm to the environment but as time passes by and all our actions are added up together and this might cause chaos in the future. Damaging the environment is not a petty issue. Planet earth as we all live in seems to be the only planet that is capable of supporting human life. Once it is damage beyond repair, it might wipe out our species. In the effort of protecting the environment, we will consider the effect of our actions before making decisions. Will our actions do any good to the environment or will it continue to harm the environment? This is the question that must be thought of when taking actions. As we all know, we do not have centuries to go anymore. Scientist around the globe is already complaining about the effect of global warming and the unstable environment that we all have nowadays. We have only a few more decade to go before we totally wipe out the ice berg at the north and south pole. Once the ice is melted, all sort of extreme and outrages weather will occur. Recycling is a very basic but important action that everyone should adopt now. In the wake of global warming right now, it is important that we recycle. The needs to recycle is base on the fact that our natural resources are diminishing . If we do not recycle, factories will have to process the raw material and this will result in more heat release into the environment. A very basic way to recycle is to separate our rubbish into papers, metal and glass. Others waste such as food can be use to make compose. Besides recycling, we will also reuse thing that can be use again such as food containers and shopping bags. Food containers can be kept and put aside. It can be use to keep food when needed. Shopping bags can also be use to carry things when we go shopping. Using shopping bags will eliminate the needs for plastic bags. Many of the plastic bags that most of the shops offer are non biodegradable. This material will not be eliminated unless burned. Once it is burned, it will release a poisonous gas which will cause air pollution. Open burning is also an important issue relating to the environment. It will cause air pollution and also release great amount of heat and carbon dioxide into the environment. Open burning is really unnecessary for household because if we manage our garbage well and put it in the plastic bags, the rubbish collector will just bring those garbage away. Burning the forest to open new lands is also unacceptable. This action will cause discomfort to many people and if it is not manage well, the fire will spread and unwanted accident might happen. We should all prevent using the air conditioning at home because it will release a type of gas which will destroy the ozone layer. Once the ozone is destroy, people that stay in that area will get skin cancers. To keep our body cool, we should use fan instead. It does not consume that much electricity as air conditioner and it does not harm the environment. We should also drink more cold water or take cool bath to warm our body when the weather is hot. We should also educate our friends and family about ways to protect the environment. If possible, everyone should get educated. If everyone is focusing to protect the environment, many unwanted disasters will be prevented. In the deontological theory point of view, it can be easily seen that it is everyone’s duty to protect the environment. Everyone must do his part to protect the environment so that the next generations to come will have a better place to live in.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The relationships between the upper and lower classes essays
The relationships between the upper and lower classes essays Upper class societies throughout history have always tried to oppress the populace under them. In Plinys and Jacobs time this oppression took the form of slavery. By comparing and contrasting the relationships between the upper and lower classes in the books of Pliny and Jacob , I will show that attitudes towards oppression of the lower classes mainly slaves were exactly the same, with the main difference being the degree of brutality in the treatment of slaves by the upper class. In Plinys and Jacobs time religion was used to oppress the lower classes; free will to worship as you wish was not tolerated. The Romans only allowed slaves to worship government sanctioned religions. They believed Christians caused disorder and disruption to their political control. For instance, in Pliny to the Emperor Trajan (294), Pliny describes the Christian faith as a degenerate sort of cult carried to extravagant lengths. Further, he shows his frustration over the interrogation of Christians, who are mostly slaves, and his recommendation of sending the accused off to execution (293). In the Southern U.S. slave era, Jacobs describes similar situations where religion was used as a tool to oppress. Jacobs emphasizes that religion was only introduced to slaves to keep them from killing their masters (69). The sermons to slaves were used to remind them to serve their masters obediently and to not shirk their work (70). Slave owners were eventually dissatisfied with slaves attending religious sermons because it was the only time slaves would be addressed as human beings which in the slaveholders mind was counterproductive to their efforts (73). Along with religious oppression there was also political oppression as well. Political oppression took the form of legislation against the lower classes. In Plinys Rome as well as in Jacobs U.S. South, slaves were non-persons who could not own an...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
flame in the wind essays
flame in the wind essays Flame in the wind was a good movie that dealt with one mans struggle between the Christian faith and the Roman Catholic faith. It took place in a time when anyone not professing to be a Roman Catholic was burned at the stake or imprisoned for life. It all started when Carlos began reading the actual Bible. The Roman Catholics for bided the reading of the scripture but Carlos was infatuated with the scripture immediately. As he read he began to notice the discrepancies between the Romans and the Christians. Because of this he asked for permission to go to a monastery and study the faiths in a little more depth. While there the Holy Inquisition came and accused all of them as being heretics Carlos fled back to the city and was accused himself of being a heretic. He denied it and denied the Christian faith and clung to the Roman Catholic religion. They finally caught all those in the monastery and they were to be burned at the stake and the pope summonsed Carlos to set the first flame. As He walked and approached the stake he had a few words with Fernando and couldnt do it so he through the torch to the ground and rejected Catholicism and came to Christ. He Was tortured and still remained faithful to Christianity and then a friend of the family requested he be put in a cell were another could convince him of his errors and Carlos helped lead his father back onto the right trail and then he died and Carlos was burned the very next day. This was a good movie and made you feel lucky for not having to deal with the same type of persecution as the early christianias. ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Strategic Management - Essay Example Finally, the firms also need to focus on converting their designed strategies into action, so as to leverage the maximum advantage available in the marketplace. Strategic Position It has to be the said that the strategic position of a company highlights the position of the company in regards to its existing competitors in a specific market. The strategic and competitive position of a company can be best explained by using the broad differentiation business model. Source: Hill & Jones, 2012, p. 181 It has to be said that this model categorizes companies into three groups like differentiators, broad differentiators as well as cost leaders. Talking in a detailed manner, it has to be said that the companies that belong to the differentiator category tries to gain the maximum amount of advantage from the market by trying to distinguish its product and service offerings in regards to its competitors. While talking about broad differentiators, it is of high relevance to mention the fact tha t these group of companies fall in the middle region of the model. It has to be said that the typical behaviour of these group of companies comprises of designing of business strategies that helps in better discrimination of their products as well as effective lowering of the cost structures (Hill & Jones, 2012, p. 180). These category of companies focuses on operating on a specific region since it provides the companies with a significant competitive advantage in regards to designing their strategies on the lines of effective segmentation, targeting and positioning. This particular fact also helps the company to attain a decrease in the price of its products and services. Finally, while commenting on the companies that fall in the category of cost leaders, it can be... This essay stresses that the inter relation that exists between strategic position, strategic choice and the process of converting strategy into action can be best explained by discussing US based organization Southwest Airlines. It can be said that the Dallas based carrier is highly popular in the domestic market of US because of its low-cost pricing of its passenger aviation services. Talking about the strategic position of the company, it can be said that the company has positioned itself as the most efficient low-cost carrier in the market of US. Hence, it can be said that the America based airline company has utilized the tactic of using cost leadership to gain a foothold in the market. This paper makes a conclusion that while discussing the company’s method of implementing the low-cost strategy into action, attention has to be given to the nature of allocation and management of the essential resources of the company. In order to extract optimum utilization of the company ’s high-value assets, the company revised the frequency of flights to various routes on the basis of the consumer demand. Also, the company’s decision to cater to secondary airports resulted in reducing the ground time for the airlines, thereby boosting up both productivity as well as profitability (Hill and Jones, 2009, p. 105).
Friday, November 1, 2019
Pyschotropic medications used in schizoprenia patients Term Paper
Pyschotropic medications used in schizoprenia patients - Term Paper Example Many with schizophrenia are believed not to be able to live a normal productive life. Many with schizophrenia are unemployed because of the negative stereotypes that come along with the illness, and lack of support inside the work place. Many who are employed are often employed in low paying jobs. Many people who have symptoms of it suffering a will develop severe depression. The depression comes from the isolation someone with schizophrenia has to face. When someone is first diagnosed with schizophrenia, and is put on medication the person will begin to feel normal once again. When the person feels normal, the person might stop taking the medication. This is a problem that many people who have schizophrenia, and many of the caregivers of people with schizophrenia have to face every day. Opening Schizophrenia is a mental illness affecting more people every year. The use of anti psychotics also called psycho tropic medications are used to treat someone with the illness. The illness us ually develops in the late teens, and early twenties for young men, and as late as the thirties for women. Because there are so many forms of the disease there is no one treatment that works best in the treatment of schizophrenia. When someone is first diagnosed with schizophrenia, the person will exhibit symptoms like delusions. The delusions are very real to somebody with schizophrenia. ... The patient would stop taking the medication, because the patient does not think the patient is sick. Body There are many types of psycho tropic drugs used to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia. Some of these drugs are no longer in use. There have been many drugs introduced since the 1980s. When someone is exhibiting symptoms of schizophrenia, the doctors will first attempts to control the schizophrenia by using only one type of anti psychotic medication. In the 1950s there were only four â€Å"typical†medications used to treat the effect’s schizophrenia. A medication that is considered â€Å"typical†would be Thorozine, Haldol, Perphenazine, Fluphenazine. These medications were very useful for somebody who had schizophrenia. Oftentimes many patients who took this medication were able to live normal, and productive life as members of society. Many people in society will shut out someone who has schizophrenia. The reason many people shut out people who have schi zophrenia is from an overwhelming fear that people with schizophrenia are very dangerous people. With the help of the medication there are many people living with schizophrenia, who work regular jobs, and live a normal life as a member of society. When someone begins treatment for schizophrenia, the doctor will determine what type of symptom the person with schizophrenia is having. There are two types of classifications for medication to treat someone living with schizophrenia. There are the above listed â€Å"typical†medications that someone can be treated with. This was the only type of medication available to treat schizophrenia, up until the mid-1980s. There was no treatment for schizophrenia in a till the mid-1950s. In the mid-1950s the â€Å"typicalâ€
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