Sunday, February 23, 2020
Mock solution satire on the war on terror Essay
Mock solution satire on the war on terror - Essay Example So what do we do to fight the war on terror? For sure we cannot exorcise it away and just when we thought that by killing Osama Bin Laden will also kill the problem away, lo and behold, we got another bang in Boston. So killing to end killing obviously did not work and we are still wondering what will end terror. I have a solution. Its simpler, effective and does not involve killing. How about America sharing its fun with the radicals? I believe this will work because it addresses the common factor that is present among terrorists – that is being lonely or not having fun and not necessarily the stereotype that they have to come from Middle East. That was proven with the latest terror attack in Boston where the bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev had been complaining that he did not understand Americans and became lonely despite being an American Green Card Holder. Its the lack of fun that drives people nuts to become radicals and terrorize people. Remember when you are still a kid? Fo yo u remember how much you envied to the point of spite that friend of yours who had the latest bling or been considered as cool to have the attention of everybody while you were empty handed and ignored? Folks, in societies version, America is that friend who has all the fun and all the blings and coolest kid in town and she does not want to share it. So the envious neighbor thougth that since what America have cannot be had and they are hopeless in their miserable lot, they might as well inflict misery on the coolest kid on the town to keep them company. Their clerics made it easier by providing incentives of giving them seven virgins in that place yonder which in no way they could ever have in this lifetime. Call it gullible, but when you are in slum, barely eat three times a day and uneducated without any clear prospect of the future, the prize of a virgin is more than enough for a motivation. These explain why jihadist will never run out of supply and in fact the line is long for those who are itching to have their share of virgins. Boy, I wonder if heaven has a factory of virgins considering the number of people who cannot wait for their share. We can kill and kill but the number of those who are willing to die for seven virgins are just overwheliming. I think America should do a propaganda work that all virgins in heavens are already taken to remove the incentive of the extremists. Fighting terror with sophisticated arms and infantry is a band aid approach because the real cause is not addressed. We should ceased to be that selfish kid on the block who has all the fun and all the toys. As a solution, why not share the fun with the rest of the world especially in those areas where extremist resides? When everybody is partying and having fun on this planet in this lifetime then the prospect of seven virgins in heaven will eventually lose its appeal because there is no longer an incentive to be exremist. Fun is already guranteed and happening here, so why wai t to die to have your turn for fun? For all you know, heaven might have run out of virgins considering the huge number of those who already killed themselves for virgins. The trouble with the world is that there are just a lot of lonely men out there. Terror is just a projection, a sort of outlet of the root cause of the problem which is really utter lack of fun. If only we will export
Friday, February 7, 2020
Youth and drugs Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Youth and drugs - Research Proposal Example health, how education institution can influence this trend, and what addicted persons can do to get help, which gender is the most vulnerable, and many other questions. In order to get an answer to these questions it is necessary for a research to be carried out. This is a research proposal for a research on youth and drugs. Youth and drugs is not a new thing, as it has been mentioned and studied a number of times before by other researchers. However, it should be noted that there have always been a difference in findings in these studies. Furthermore, most of these researches focus on specific aspects or questions relating to youth and drugs. This makes it easier to carry out a research on this topic because of the fact that there are relevant findings that had already been availed in the reports written after the various studies and researches were carried out by different people with different perspectives and missions. It should be noted that drug abuse among the youth is a social, health, and economic concern. This is because it can hinder the performance of the youth who form a significant part of the total population of human beings globally. This implies that it is a problem that in many occasions has been undermined, but should be looked into with the seriousness that it deserves. Michelle Miller†Day looked at the role of parenting strategies on late adolescent and drug abuse. She asserts that the strategies used in talking to the youth about drugs sometimes are effective because parents do not want to be straight about the issue. Vardakou, Pistos, and Spiliopoulou assert that the use of the internet by the youth can be said to one of the factors that lead to the high rates of drug abuse among the youth. Duff (2003) carried out a research on the contribution of the youth culture to the rate of drug abuse in Australia. They found out that the youth culture was a significant contributor to drug abuse among the youth in Australia. Wilens and Biederman
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