Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Salem Witch Trials, The World Behind The Hysteria
The Salem Witch Trials From the time of the 1690’s the entirety of Salem, Massachusetts were Puritans. â€Å"The Puritan lifestyle was restrained and rigid: People were expected to work hard and repress their emotions or opinions. Individual differences were frowned upon.†(Salem Witch Trials, The World Behind the Hysteria). These people believed that doing anything sinful would result in punishment from God. Just as much as they believed in God, they also believed in the Devil. Keeping up with the Puritan code, it led to the first women being accused of witchcraft. They were viewed as pariahs, and seen differently. Had the Puritan government let the afflicted defend themselves, not be so dependent on religion, not investigating the facts or scrutinize the trials the killing of many could have been prevented. The hangings from the trials would ultimately be the last in America. Church was the foundation of life in New England. People in Massachusetts were Puritans colonists seeking freedom an d religious acceptance by leaving England. The Puritan lifestyle was self-controlled and firmly enforced. Since Puritans were expected to live by a resistant code; they believed that all sins committed should be punished and that God would punish sinful behavior. When someone went against their codes, Puritans saw it as God’s will to not help them. In keeping up with the Puritan code of obedience, the many women to be accused of witchcraft in Salem were seen as divergent and socialShow MoreRelatedThe Salem Witch Trials Of 16921281 Words  | 6 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials were a sequence of hearings, prosecutions, and hangings of people who were thought to be involved in witchcraft in Massachusetts. These trials occurred between February 1692 and May 1693(The Salem Witch Trials, 1692. ). The Trials resulted in the execution of twenty people, in fact, most of them were women. The first of the trials began in several towns in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, such as Sal em Village (currently known as Danvers), Salem Town, Ipswich, and Andover(SalemRead MoreEnglish Creative Task : Holly Lowe, Microelectronics, Antibiotics, Laser Technology, The Smartphone And Nuclear Weapons1140 Words  | 5 Pagesespecially as students who are studying technology or science. However, they something that Salem would not have experienced close to 300 years ago. These prodigious inventions are as a result of our technological and scientific advancements throughout the past few centuries. It is fascinating to take a look back at history to realise the significant impression that these inventions or advancements have had on our world today. Through the steady introduction of all of these things, our society graduallyRead MoreReasons Behind The Salem Witch Trials1568 Words  | 7 PagesHistory 1301- Dr.Frawley April 30, 1017 Reasons behind the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 The Salem Witch Trials were a series of trials in the 1690s which accused society members of practicing witchcraft, they took place in Salem, Massachusets. What caused this mass hysteria to occur? Some contributing factors could include some socio-economic reasons, an overbearing Puritan society and the influential sense that witchcraft was taking place all over the world. Massachusetts was settled by English puritansRead MoreHysteria Comparison of the Salem Witch Trials and the Holocaust1222 Words  | 5 PagesAndria Garza 11/30/12 English Final Draft Hysteria comparison of the Salem Witch Trials and the Holocaust During both the devastating Holocaust in the Germany and the tragic Salem Witch Trials in the small town of Salem, innocent people were brutally killed, causing hysteria among the people. Both groups of people endured hardships because of the hysteria that occurred among them. This hysteria caused people to react in ways that they would not usually act. Both of these events are very historicalRead MoreThe Trials Of The Salem Witch Trials891 Words  | 4 Pagesmurdered after trials found them guilty of acts of witchcraft. The series of hearings and prosecutions of the accused witches in colonial Massachusetts marks one of the nation s most notorious cases of mass hysteria. The reasons behind the trials and deaths are complex and multifaceted. Internal disputes, strict religious lifestyles, accusations from young children, witch hunting methods, spectral evidence, and even some medical theories all stand as causes of the Salem Witch Trials. Political, localRead MoreHow Does Fear and Hysteria Play a Significant Role in Creating and Driving the Conflict and the Chaotic Events That Take Place in Arthur Millers the Crucible?1450 Words  | 6 Pagesfear and hysteria play a significant role in creating and driving the conflict and the chaotic events that take place in Arthur Miller’s ‘ The Crucible’? Fear is a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil or pain, whether the threat is real or imagined.1 It causes feelings of dread and apprehension. Fear can lead to hysteria- a condition where community wide fear overwhelms logic and ends up justifying its own existence. In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, fear and hysteria are the foundationRead MoreSalem Witch Trials Essay1478 Words  | 6 Pages1692 marked a major event in history in the town of Salem, Massachusetts. The Salem Witchcraft Trials still leaves this country with so many questions as to what happened in that small town. With all the documentation and accounts of the story, people are still wondering why 19 people died as a result of these trials. This paper will discuss the events leading up to the Salem Witch Trials and the events that took place during and after the trials, and the men and women who were killed or spent theRead MoreGender Roles, Stereotypes, And Expectations Essay1283 Words  | 6 Pagesdocuments from the Salem Witch Trials which took place in 1692. While the trials themselves are an important part of American history, the glimpse into that time period afforded by these surviving documents is invaluable. Gender roles and religious beliefs play a large role in the hysteria which spread across Puritan New England as it had in Europe for centuries before. Briefly the hysteria in around Salem occurred in January of 1692 when the daughter of Reverend Samuel Parris of Salem Village becameRead MoreThe Salem Witch Trials1202 Words  | 5 PagesThe Salem Witch Trials were a prime part of American history during the early 17th century. During this time, religion was the prime focus and way of life within colonies. This was especially true for the Puritan way of life. Puritans first came to America in hopes of practicing Christianity their own way, to the purest form. The Puritans were fundamentalists who believed every word transcribed in the Bible by God was to be followed exactly for what it was. The idea of the devil controlling a womanRead MoreThe Red Scare And The Salem Witch Trials1226 Words  | 5 PagesWho can you trust in a world filled with enemies and those who are ambitiously self-centered? That is a question many people faced in the seventeenth century; similarly another time period had the same thought: The Red Scare. Th e Red Scare and the Salem Witch Trials were both tragic events that turned everyone against each other based on weak testimonies. Many respected people lost their lives because of this abnormal widespread fear. To make it more alarming, once accused it was extremely difficult
Friday, May 15, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of Christopher Columbus And Charles Lindbergh
Throughout the school year of 2015-2016 at the Founders Academy, I have wrote numerous essays, with generally positive results. Several of the essays exceeded expectations, while others reached expectations to a modest extent, but all of the essays were supported by the writing skills that I had learned that year, regardless of my strengths or weaknesses with these skills. These techniques vary extensively, from comparing and contrasting ideas in a text to editing and revising essays for quality results, which is proven in my writing portfolio. The first skill of note centers around the proofreading of essays, where an essay receives revisions, from the reconstruction of paragraphs to the replacement of disinteresting words with intriguing, more complicated vocabulary. My proof of mastery in this skill is in my essay on Christopher Columbus and Charles Lindbergh, in addition to my reflection on a project that I had worked on in my technology class, where I placed complex vocabulary into the essays with my portfolio draft. My strengths in the skill were that I paid close attention to detail, and added in excessively complex words to entice the reader. My major flaw, however, is that the process of replacing words is time-consuming, which gives me less time to focus on other issues in my essays, which were often longer than they needed to be. Fortunately, the constant expansion of essays doubles as a skill, especially when adding further information to short essays.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Competitor Analysis of the Aston Martin-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about theb Competitor analysis of the Aston Martin by Hackett jacket. Answer: Steps in writing a marketing plan There are two main aspects in formulating a marketing plan firstly addressing the competitive and rivalry market place and secondly support and execution of the day to day operations of a business organization. Be it a small scale operation or large scale luxury brand the completion in the market is huge and there is constant pressure on the business to formulate and effectively implement strategies that are unique in order to outdo the competition in the market. In the process of planning marketing strategies it is important to not only come up with tactics but also to execute them in a fashion that will yield maximum performance for the brand. This requires a set methodology and organization procedure. Marketing plan should begin with an overall objective of the business enterprise. Every aspect in a marketing plan is important in order to effectively implement it. Marketing strategy on the basis of the objective of the organization can be broadly categorized in three phases a cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy and a focused strategy. According to the traditional concept there are 4Ps to a marketing mix namely: product, price, place and promotion. These four variables if implemented correctly give the maximum return to the company. Before starting production of the idea a company has it has to fix these aspects and work towards it (Huang Sarigll, 2014). SWOT Analysis This is the acronym for strength, weakness, opportunities and threat. This analysis is carried out for any business organization in order to understand and critically analyze the position of the company in the market. It provides a platform that helps the company to build the marketing plan on. Strength and weakness is the internal factors that can be controlled by the organization whereas the opportunity and threat are the external factors which are not under the control of the management of the organization. SWOT analyses for Aston Martin by Hackett fashion wear are as follows: Strength: The biggest strength of the collaboration is the names of the brand that are associated with the product. Both the company have goodwill among the end customers as well as in the industry for high quality performance and style. It is a luxury item and is bound to be pricy but the fact that they are form a renowned luxury brand only emphasises on the fact that the quality and the build of the products will be top notch and best quality. Style and design of the fashion wear form this collaboration is trendy and contemporary yet has a classic touch of elegance that men of taste prefer. The collection is limited edition which increases it exclusivity and value. Weakness: first and foremost the brand does not cater to everyone; it caters to the niche target market that is interested in investing in an expensive jacket. The price is extremely steep and the product availability is also low as it is only available in some exclusive stores. The products are available online but customers who will buy an expensive jacket would at least like to observe and feel the material before purchasing it online (Xiang et al., 2015). Opportunities: The people of Australia are fashion conscious and are constantly updating themselves with trends and style. The Australian market has a good opportunity as British Brands are associated with good reputation and a marker of class. As the company has means and monetary support to expand, the company should focus on expanding the distribution and availability of the item. Threat: fashion and automobile industry are a combination that has been collaborating for a long time Ducati and Lexus have their own lifestyle brands. Fiat has collaboration with Gucci which is one of the biggest threats to the collaboration. Ferrari also has a clothing line of the brand itself, which is also not as highly priced as the jacket from the Aston Martin and Hackettcollaboration. There is constant need of upgrade and continuous change in the preference in lifestyle and fashion among the people of Australia. This is a significant threat as the life cycle of fad items are short lived in the fashion industry or is quickly replaced by other companies. Another very evident threat to the luxury industry and the fashion industry is the availability of fake products which look and feel identical but is available at almost less than half the price of the original. This is not only for this particular item this is true to all luxury fashion goods the fake market is fooled with prod ucts which are total rip off of the original item Satit et al. 2012). Competitor Analysis Company name Hackett Reiss Moschino Lacoste USP Have a masculine classic approach to the style More on the casual and easy style Trendy, quirky, colorful design Is associated with integrity and class Pricing Premium Value based pricing Economy pricing Pricing for Market Penetration Premium Value based pricing Distribution Retail and online Retail and online Retail and online Retail and online Mission The brands that are associated with the fashion item both have its own different mission and vision statement. One is an automobile company that has a reputable history and is synonymous to fashion and style. Aston martin is a brand that is identified by anyone who is interested in automobiles. Aston Martin is luxury sport cars that have a classic and traditional edge to the trendy vibe of the design it is a perfect amalgamation. Whereas Hackett is a fashion brand that has been known for its classic taste and luxurious premium quality material. The relationship in between the two brands, Hacketts and Aston Martin stretches back many years. Developing the relation on the basis of strong foundation, the companies now offer the Aston Martin by Hackett collection that has a wide array of luxurious clothing that reflects the coming together of two stylish brands. The mission of the collaboration is to offer chic classy style to the customers reflecting the style of the car company along with the classic essence of the clothing line. The collaboration is set to offer sharp masculine cuts and shapes in mature and classic color variants (CAPSULE COLLECTION, 2017) Marketing objectives Marketing is a communication tool of a company with the stakeholders. It is used to promote products and services, announce new launches get feedback. Marketing also deals other aspects that are prevalent in the industry that affect the business operations. The three marketing objectives of the company are: To launch a new collaboration and product line To increase the brand loyalty and awareness To target new potential customers Financial objectives In simple words revenue and cost are the two aspects of finances of a company. For a company to run on a daily basis it needs working capital. For a luxury brand like Hackett and Aston Martin financial objective is much more than just day to day business of the organization: To maximize the value of the company To ensure optimum return on investment To increase the wealth of the company The above set objectives are for the first six month s of the product launch (Huang Sarigll, 2014). Marketing mix Product: the collaboration in between the two brands fulfils the quality, design and brand requirement for the winter wear. The product is made of premium quality material that is not only breathable but also chic and classy style. Price: The customer will purchase a limited edition fashion item keeping in mind that it will be on the pricy end. The product range has a range of price tags along with sale and discount offers on regular basis. Promotion: this is where the communication process takes place. For a collaboration that aims for the modern and fashionable men Social Media will be the best approach for marketing the item. Along with that public relation will be also given priority as customer satisfaction is the first as it is one of the most reliable methods to reach to the target market. Both audio visual advertising will be engaged in various medium. Digital marketing is the latest and one of the most effective forms of marketing that has been developed with the advancement of technology in the mobile devices and decreased rate of internet. Digital marketing deals with communication in between the company and the end customers. Digital marketing has made feedback process easy and smooth. Facebook: A Facebook page for promotional purposes is very essential in digital media; Facebook also allows advertising which is very effective as people of interest are the only ones who can view these ads. Feedback of the response in this entire social media platform is very smooth and effective. Instagram is now a part of Facebook and is very popular among the celebrities and the young adults who are the main target of the brand (Shahhosseini Ardahaey, 2011. Youtube: The Company can send PR packages to influential lifestyle youtubers so that they can talk about the good and bad about the collection to the followers. Twitter: twitter is a medium of communication and direct feedback hash tag campaigns can be implemented in order to create brand awareness and to check the response of the target market (Ryan, 2016). Place: the collection of the collaboration will be available in all exclusive Hackett retail stores in Australia as well as in the web store of the organisation (Belch et al., 2014 Implementation of the marketing Action plan In order to achieve the aforementioned marketing and financial objectives the company has to follow a plan of action. To launch a new collaboration and product line A press conference can be arranged in order to announce the new launch, the press coverage will give the collaboration recognition and will spread the awareness after the media has covered the event. Lifestyle Journalists can be requested to write about the collaboration and what are their expectations as well as the first impression by just looking at the collection. To increase the brand loyalty The loyal customers can be offered a special discount or special gift along with the purchase of the item. To target new potential customers As discussed earlier social media and digital marketing will be the focus of marketing in order to create new customer base. To maximize the value of the company As a luxury brand the company has to focus on creation of value to keep up the goodwill and the reputation of the company. The company can collaborate with renowned people to try the collection and photographs can be posted social media, this will enhance and add to the value of the brand. To ensure optimum return on investment The company can change the pricing strategy. To increase the wealth of the company Expansion in Australian market will ensure increase in wealth; it will also make the distribution of product easy and convenient for the potential customers (Huang Sarigll, 2014). Reference list: ASTON MARTIN BY HACKETT. (2017).astonmartin.com. Retrieved 2 October 2017, from https://www.astonmartin.com/en/live/news/2016/08/11/luxury-capsule-collection-aston-martin-by-hackett-released-in-celebration-of-new-partnership Belch, George, Belch, Michael. (2014). The role of New and Traditional Media in the Rapidly Changing Marketing Communications Environment.International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing,International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing, 12/10/2114. CAPSULE COLLECTION. (2017).hackett.com. Retrieved 2 October 2017, from https://www.hackett.com/gb/men/collection/aston-martin/aston-martin-by-hackett Huang, R., Sarigll, E. (2014). How brand awareness relates to market outcome, brand equity, and the marketing mix. InFashion Branding and Consumer Behaviors(pp. 113-132). Springer New York. Ryan, D. (2016).Understanding digital marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation. Kogan Page Publishers. Satit, R. P., Tat, H. H., Rasli, A., Chin, T. A., Sukati, I. (2012). 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